Yes, QuikTrip does background checks. We’re not sure what it includes, so be ready that they may check up on any information in your application.
Following is important information about background checks across the US:
The states below review offenses only during the last seven years:
- California
- Colorado*
- Kansas*
- Maryland*
- Massachusetts
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Hampshire*
- New York*
- Texas*
- Washington*
(* sometimes certain pay or salary bracket positions require one.)
Here are states that don’t consider charges where you were found not guilty:
- Alaska
- California
- Hawaii
- Indiana (limited check)
- Kentucky
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- New York
Most states want to see your entire criminal record, including not guilty verdicts. Here they are:
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Connecticut
- DC
- Delaware
- Florida
- Idaho
- Indiana (extensive check)
- Iowa
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oregon
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Company ratings
Glassdoor reviews by QuikTrip employees give the company 3.8 out of 5 stars. This is based on over 1,500 ratings. Staff praise was for good compensation, great benefits, and the opportunity to succeed on the job and get ahead in the company.
QuikTrip won a Glassdoor Best Places to Work award four years in a row — 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. What’s more, they were on the Glassdoor Top CEO list in 2017 and 2016, and one of the Best Places to Interview in 2017.
But those aren’t their only awards! They’ve been high on the Fortune Magazine 100 Best Companies to Work For list for fifteen years. ratings are also good. More than 2,400 reviews give them 4.2 out of 5. People like the company best for pay and benefits, job security and advancement and its culture.
What felonies QuikTrip will not hire
There are undoubtedly charges that would sink your application, in QuikTrip’s eyes. Since QuikTrip didn’t give us a list, we used our research to figure out some barriers and shared them with you in the next section.
What felony convictions might have a hard time getting hired here?
If you have a criminal history for property offenses, theft or fraud, you might have a more difficult time getting hired. The reason is that you need to be trusted not to steal the merchandise. Also, you’ll have access to the cash register if you’re working in a QuikTrip store.
The other type of crime that might concern the hiring manager is anything related to assault or intimidation. The company has built a reputation on excellent customer service. That means losing your temper with customers or coworkers won’t go down well. In addition, you need to keep a cool head to deal with challenging situations at work including the occasional belligerent customer.
Does QuikTrip hire sex offenders?
We’re not sure. QuikTrip didn’t say and we couldn’t find any information during our researching to tell us either way.
Does QuikTrip drug test?
Yes, according to online staff comments they drug test staff. However, this is only for full-time positions and if you have an on-the-job accident.
Have you applied for a job or worked here? Share your experiences!
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