Merry Maids Hiring Overview For 2023

Founded 1979

Type Public

Headquarters Memphis, TN

Size Large Corporation

Industry Cleaning service

Is housekeeping something you have a knack for? If so, chances are you’ve considered a job with a maid service . . . but does Merry Maids hire felons? This is not your typical commercial cleaning company.

Lucky for you, Relaunch Pad contacts companies, including Merry Maids, directly to ask them about their hiring policies for former felons. We help make the job hunt smoother for you and others in your shoes by combining their answers with our research. And we’ve done this more than 1,000 times across the US. We definitely know our stuff!

By now you’ve probably realized that a record can make finding a job extremely frustrating. Not everyone understands what you’re facing — but we do. How could we possibly understand? In case you’re unaware, most of us are convicted felons too! Since we’ve walked in your shoes, who better to clear the job path for you?

We use our experience to ask questions that are important to anyone with a record looking for a job. Some of these questions include:

  • Does Merry Maids do background checks?
  • What are the odds of being hired here with a felony?
  • Does Merry Maids drug test?
  • What are some entry-level jobs?
  • Does Merry Maids hire people with misdemeanors?

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Does Merry Maids hire felons?

Merry Maids logo

Official company policy for hiring felons

We attempted to make contact with Merry Maids, but were unsuccessful. While we’re waiting to hear back from them, we’ve done some investigating of our own.

So let’s continue reading to see how to get a job at Merry Maids with a felony.

Has Merry Maids hired felons in the past?

We dug into their background for this answer. We didn’t find any confirming answers, only a few responses saying the background check was a big barrier for felonies. So then does Merry Maids hire felons? Until we hear from Merry Maids directly, we’re unable to say for sure.

Does Merry Maids hire people with misdemeanors?

Getting hired with a felony is difficult, but most people forget that individuals with misdemeanors have a hard time as well. While looking to see what we could uncover about how to get hired at Merry Maids with a felony, we also looked to see if they would consider misdemeanor convictions. Regrettably, there wasn’t a lot of information about this. We’re not quite sure if they will or not.

Will Merry Maids hire you with pending charges?

The company may want to wait until your charges are resoled, we’re not sure. They didn’t let us know about pending charges, and this information is not available online.

Current Job Openings At Merry Maids

East Hartford, CT

7 days ago

SUMMARY: Professionally clean customer homes using Merry Maids’ unique cleaning procedures and products. Overall objectives are to leave the home looking and smelling freshly cleaned and groomed. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS:…

Oklahoma City, OK

7 days ago

SUMMARY: Professionally clean customer homes using Merry Maids’ unique cleaning procedures and products. Overall objectives are to leave the home looking and smelling freshly cleaned and groomed. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS:…


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What are the chances of Merry Maids hiring a felon?

Is Merry Maids on the Ban the Box list?

Let’s face it: Finding a job today is anything but easy. Adding a criminal record to the mix only makes it more difficult. This is exactly why the Ban the Box campaign was created. This group recognizes that the odds are stacked against you. Their purpose is to convince employers to take away all questions from applications that ask about criminal offenses. In turn, the employer can give an equal opportunity to anyone applying for the job — former felon or not.

Additionally, in order to commit to fair hiring practices for everyone, employers are signing the Fair Chance Business Pledge to show their dedication to these practices.

While Merry Maids doesn’t support either of these programs, neither is a requirement to hiring someone with a criminal history.

Let’s move forward to see what we uncovered on how to get a job at Merry Maids with a felony.

Does Merry Maids have special programs for hiring felons?

No, these programs are not provided by Merry Maids.

What are the odds someone with a felony will get hired?


Low likelihood of hiring felons

Until we hear back from Merry Maids, we have to say the odds of being hired here with a felony are low.

Don’t worry, we are going to continue searching to find everything we can to make applying here as easy as possible for you.

How to get hired at Merry Maids with a felony

What are some entry-level jobs?

Why entry-level? Essentially, you can get a solid footing and are the lowest risk to the company. While we know you’ll make a good employee, some companies need convincing. This is the best way to start!

We know that if you’re interested in working with Merry Maids, you’ll want to know about some of the positions they have to offer.

Here are a few of the best entry-level jobs:

  • Office Assistant — Does data entry, confirms appointments, creates schedules and answers phones.
  • House Cleaner — You’re part of a team and work together to get the job done to a certain standard while providing the best customer service.
  • Home Organizer — If organizing and spring cleaning excites you, this will be a great position for you. Being able to follow procedures and de-clutter specific areas will be requirements.

Tips to get hired here with a felony

We put together a few tips to strengthen your chances at being hired here. Their application (on their site) is pretty straight forward. Review the job you’re applying for to make sure you have the experience and skills they’re looking for. You have the strongest chance to get the job if you already have the skills they’re looking for in the job listing!

We noticed that they request a resume, but a cover letter is optional. This means your resume needs to be the best it can be. We recognize that many people struggle with this, and that’s why we created a guide to assist you with writing your resume.

Include all experience that relates to the job you are applying for. When you worked at the burger joint that one summer, you were responsible for assisting in cleaning the kitchen too. This is experience that relates to working with Merry Maids.

We’ll even show you how to include experience gained while you were incarcerated. What do we mean by this? Working housekeeping or janitorial jobs gave you the type of experience Merry Maids looks for. Put a positive spin on your time away and show them your ability to overcome all obstacles.

One of the best tips anyone can give you for getting a new job is get a referral or at least a reference. And bring them to the interview! If you used to clean your neighbor’s house, get them to recommend your services and work ethic. They can either write you a professional note that you can bring in, or simply be a name and number you give to the employer.

A few other options are previous supervisors, your parole officer or even your mentor. These are people who might not be able to speak on your work ethic, but will be able to speak on your character — and this is just as important.

When at the interview, take care to smile and let them see your personality shine through. Show you’re friendly and upbeat, and therefore will make customers feel at home.

As always, this is the ideal time to discuss your background. We already know that a background check and driving record will be required for certain positions, so go ahead and address this and get it behind you.

Does Merry Maids do background checks?

Yes. Most of the positions we reviewed make the applicant aware there will be a background check. However, there were positions where this wasn’t listed. Our best advice is to be prepared anyway . . . just in case.

Here are some things to keep in mind regarding background checks: 

While we have changes being made, there are already states that will see an offense only if it’s less than seven years old. They are as follows:

  • California
  • Colorado*
  • Kansas*
  • Maryland*
  • Massachusetts
  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire*
  • New York*
  • Texas*
  • Washington*

(*certain pay or salary bracket positions require a screening.)

The states that will see only guilty convictions are as follows:

  • Alaska
  • California
  • Hawaii
  • Indiana (limited check)
  • Kentucky
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • New York

Not all states have embraced change, and unfortunately the majority of the states will still look at everything. Such as:

  • Alabama
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Connecticut
  • DC
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Idaho
  • Indiana (extensive check)
  • Iowa
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Nebraska
  • New Jersey
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

Company ratings

We wanted to see what individuals that have worked at Merry Maids had to say. gave them a rating of 3.0 out of 5 stars, but the number of reviewers was low.

Most people love that you get weekends and all holidays off, plus working as a group can be fun. However, some of the cleaning jobs are a lot of work and the pay doesn’t match the job. You may also have to drive your personal vehicle, which can be a lot of wear and tear.

What felonies Merry Maids will not hire

Merry Maids didn’t share the convictions that would keep you from getting a job here. We disccovered some that will slow down your application, shared below.

What felony convictions might have a hard time getting hired here?

While housekeeping may not seem like a high-security job, you have to remember you’re going to be in people’s houses and businesses. There are actually several convictions they’ll give a hard time. Such as:

  • Theft crimes
  • Violent or sexual offenses
  • Offenses involving children
  • Driving violations

Being welcomed into these private spaces gives you access to personal belongings and requires trust. Not to mention that you’ll also be interacting with people coming-and-going from these places, so need to be a good fit for the Merry Maids image. Since you’ll be driving a company vehicle, or your own vehicle on company time, you’ll need a good driving record.

Does Merry Maids hire sex offenders?

We have no idea if Merry Maids will hire people with sex offenses, but we know this is a typically difficult challenge to get by.

Does Merry Maids drug test?

Yes. It’s made crystal clear for all jobs there will be a drug screen.

Have you applied for a job or worked here? Share your experiences!

What can you tell us about working at Merry Maids? Have you or someone you know worked here with a felony? We appreciate any feedback you’re willing to provide!

Other companies that hire felons