Johnson Controls Hiring Overview For 2023

Founded 1885

Type Public

Headquarters Cork, Ireland

Size Large Corporation

Industry Manufacturing

Johnson Controls is a diverse and technology-driven company that may be the perfect fit for you, especially if you love working with your hands. Or it would be, if you knew if Johnson Controls hires felons.

This article is going to give you all the information you need to apply, including answers to questions like:

  • Does Johnson Controls drug test employees?
  • What are some entry-level positions at the company?
  • Does Johnson Controls do background checks?
  • Do you have any tips on how to get a job at Johnson Controls with a felony?
  • Does Johnson Controls hire people with misdemeanors?

We directly contacted Johnson Controls to ask them about their hiring policies for former offenders, as we have with more than 1,000 companies across the US. We do everything we can to bring you information you can use.

We know how important it is to find a stable career after a felony conviction. At Relaunch Pad, we do more than just talk about how to get jobs for former felons — we hire them. In turn, they give you the kind of advice that worked for them so you can land the job you want.

Alright, let’s talk about how to get a job at Johnson Controls with a felony.

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Does Johnson Controls hire felons?

Large logo for Johnson Controls

Official company policy for hiring felons

When we asked Johnson Controls about their hiring policy for former felons, human resources said they accept applicants with prior convictions.

Okay, maybe you wanted more than that in their response. Don’t worry, because we dug deeper with our research.

Have they hired felons in the past?

Johnson Controls said that they have hired felons in the past. Our research backs this up. On job boards and other sites, we have seen several posts from people confirming the company has hired felons.

That’s pretty great news!

Does Johnson Controls hire people with misdemeanors?

As we were researching whether they hire those with felony convictions, we came across several former employees saying Johnson Controls does hire those with misdemeanors.

Will Johnson Controls hire you with pending charges?

They didn’t say, unfortunately, when we spoke with them. Online information wasn’t very concrete, either, but Johnson Controls may prefer your charges to be resolved before hiring you.


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What are the chances of Johnson Controls hiring a felon?

Is Johnson Controls on the Ban the Box list?

Over the last decade, both the Ban the Box campaign and the Fair Chance Business Pledge have worked to help those with convictions gain employment.

Ban the Box asks employers to remove criminal history questions from their applications. The Pledge works to change the culture and attitudes of companies towards those with convictions.

While Johnson Controls does not ask about your criminal history on their employment application, they are not officially part of Ban the Box or the Pledge.

Does Johnson Controls have any special programs for hiring felons?

Johnson Controls said they don’t have any programs specifically for helping felons. However, your local unemployment office or job placement agencies likely do. They often offer assistance with finding clothing for job interviews as well as classes for job training.

What are the odds someone with a felony will get hired?

High likelihood of hiring felons

We think that the chances are high that a person will get a job at Johnson Controls with a felony conviction. The company doesn’t ask about criminal history on their application and said they have hired former felons in the past. Coupled with what we found in our research, this is great news. This seems to be a company focused on finding the right person for the job, regardless of the person’s background.

How to get hired at Johnson Controls with a felony

What are some entry-level jobs?

Johnson Controls’ job site is the best place to start when looking at what jobs are available.  While there are many jobs that require highly technical skills, we found plenty of entry-level jobs that you can get with a high school diploma or a GED. The good news is that they’re almost always hiring for most of these positions:

  • Installation and Service Technicians
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Sales Representatives
  • HVAC Technicians
  • Assembly Operator
  • Maintenance Mechanic
  • Welder
  • Warehouse Operator

Some of the jobs at Johnson Controls may require a certificate or vocational training. Many companies will provide this training if you don’t already have it. You can also check with your local workforce centers to see if they offer free or low-priced classes.

Tips to get hired here with a felony

As with most major companies, the application process for Johnson Controls is all online. First, you’ll first be asked to upload a resume. You can skip this step, but we don’t think you should.

You may ask: What if I don’t have a resume?

That’s okay. Many former felons don’t have one because they think they don’t have the experience necessary to make a resume look good. We want to help you with that. We’ve created a guide that will walk you through the resume-building process. You may not realize it, but you have more experience than many people who have never been to prison.

Think about the positions available to you on the inside:

  • Librarian
  • Clerk
  • Kitchen staff
  • Maintenance worker
  • Landscaper
  • Chapel worker
  • Medical Staff

Not only do these jobs teach skills that line up with “real world” jobs, but you learned those skills in a high-pressure setting. You learned how to deal with all kinds of personalities, so you gained negotiation experience.

Did you take classes while you were in prison? Any self-improvement classes you took can be used you your advantage. Many correctional facilities offer vocational classes that give certificates. If you took any, those should go on your resume.

When you have your resume built, go browse Johnson Controls’ job offerings. Find ones that you are interested in. Remember, you can apply to more than one job within the company. When you upload your resume, much of the application will be automatically filled out for you. When you submit your application, start thinking about how an interview will go if you get a callback.

We always recommend that you practice answering basic interview questions beforehand:

  • What experience do you have in this field?
  • What do you know about this company?
  • Tell us about your criminal history

Remember that first impressions matter. You don’t want their first thought when they see you to be, “Okay, this person just left prison.”

Let’s get a fresh haircut and a nice interview outfit. A button-down shirt and some nice pants can be found for a few dollars or even free. Ask for help from your local workforce center. Remember to brush your teeth and put some deodorant on before you go. If you have visible tattoos, cover them as best you can for an interview.

Does Johnson Controls do background checks?

Yes, Johnson Controls confirmed that a third-party vendor conducts their background checks as part of the hiring process. They said they perform the checks before an offer of employment is made.

Here’s what you need to know about background checks:

Depending on where you are applying from, you may face different background check requirements. Some states only show convictions that go back seven years. If you are close to that mark, you may want to wait. Here are those states:

  • California
  • Colorado*
  • Kansas*
  • Maryland*
  • Massachusetts
  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire*
  • New York*
  • Texas*
  • Washington*

*sometimes certain pay or salary bracket positions require one.

Some states choose to only show convictions that a person was found guilty of. If you were found not guilty of a charge in these states, then the charge won’t show up.

  • Alaska
  • California
  • Hawaii
  • Indiana (limited check)
  • Kentucky
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • New York

There are still many states that show all of your criminal history. This includes charges in which you were found not guilty. Here is a list of those states:

  • Alabama
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Connecticut
  • DC
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Idaho
  • Indiana (extensive check)
  • Iowa
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Nebraska
  • New Jersey
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

Company ratings

Johnson Controls has a 3.1 out of a possible 5 star rating and 51% of respondents approve of the CEO on the website

Many respondents said that the pay and benefits were great. They also praised a great work environment. Many positions allow employees to work remotely.

The main complaints revolved around an unrealistic workload. This can affect work-life balance, according to many current and former employees.

What felonies Johnson Controls will not hire

The company didn’t tell us specifics on which charges would hold you back from the get-go, but there are a few suggestions below for which might cause you the most grief.

What felony convictions might have a hard time getting hired here?

Perhaps you are still wondering: Does Johnson Controls hire felons? Yes, they do. If you follow the above suggestions about how to get hired at Johnson Controls with a felony, you’ve got a shot. However, there are certain convictions that may have a harder time getting a job there.

Johnson Controls partners with many schools. Because of this, they may not hire anyone with a sex crime conviction or those who are registered sex offenders.

Many of the jobs at Johnson Controls require a person to have a clean driving history. If you have DUI convictions, whether a felony or misdemeanor, you may not get a job as an installer or sales representative.

Johnson Controls also has many contracts with the federal government that require a person to have a security clearance. Most people with felony convictions are ineligible for these clearances.

Does Johnson Controls hire sex offenders?

There’s a good chance they don’t, considering the above. That said, we don’t have a firm answer one way or the other.

Does Johnson Controls drug test?

Johnson Controls did not give us an answer to this question. Our research shows that a urine drug test is part of the hiring process.

Have you applied for a job or worked here before? Share your experiences!

Do you have any information that could help our readers? If you have ever worked at Johnson Controls before, let us know about your experiences below.

Other companies that hire felons