What are some entry-level jobs?
Jacobs has branches in almost all US states, so you can find entry-level positions in various areas from Virginia to Oregon. Your options are many: Refining the search on their careers site to include the term “entry-level” will help you find the best fit.
You can for instance apply to be trained as an operator, mechanic or a carpenter. To find out more about jobs like these, simply type the word ‘training’ in the search bar.
Alternative entry-level positions include pipe fitter, operations assistant, packaging and shipping clerk, or customer service assistant. With such a wide range of jobs, there is bound to be something that’s just right for you.
Some of these positions do, however, require that you have no criminal record. They may be connected indirectly to the US government, for instance, depending on the type of work and the location.
You can find out more about Jacobs from their fact sheet.
Tips to get hired here with a felony
Well, you’ve got to apply. The CH2M careers site now redirects you to the Jacobs platform as well.
When you apply for the job you want, do everything you can to set yourself apart from the competition. This starts with a great resume. Tailor it to fit the job you’re applying for. Show it to someone you trust or take it to a career counseling center and let them look it over.
For more help on how to make your resume stand out, see our guide.
At Jacobs, you’ll be working on a team, no matter what your job is. If you want to be part of this team, behave as if you already are, and they will have an easier time imagining what that would look like if they hired you.
While it’s easy to pretend that everyone works at their dream job and life is one big party, this is often not the case. Maybe you’re just trying to work where you can, and that’s okay, too.
But when you go in for your interview, it’s important to behave like the job you’re trying to get is the dream. Be enthusiastic and think of the security a steady gig will give you. Think of where you may be in five years if this interview goes well.
Most importantly, be honest. You have a criminal record. Sure, that’s not ideal, but it’s nothing to be ashamed of. The person interviewing you may have one, for all you know. Bill Gates has one, as does Martha Stewart. The person writing this has one.
Having a criminal record doesn’t make you different. The thing that sets you apart is being prepared. Putting your best foot forward, not only in the way you look but also in the way you sound. Be respectful, approachable and professional, and don’t be afraid to be yourself.