What are some entry-level jobs?
Most of the jobs offered with Expedia require specific skills or certain degrees . . . including their administrative jobs. However, we are still going to provide you with a job that seems to require the least experience.
Customer Service Representative — As one would guess, this position will consist of handling phone calls and following up on emails to customers. The particular requirements will include: Strong customer service abilities, Microsoft office knowledge, being able to navigate customers through sites and troubleshoot issues.
If you have any of these, or other sales-specific skills, be sure to look over all their openings on Expedia.com.
Tips to get hired here with a felony
Since we’re not sure if Expedia will hire you with a felony, we’re going to take a look at a few things that will improve your chances.
A great way to stand out, with any company, is with your resume. You may be thinking that’ll never happen with your resume. That’s not true! For this very reason, we’ve designed an entire felon-specific guide to helping you with your resume. It’s a great tool.
We even show you how you can include some of your jobs from the inside. Remember that tutoring you did for the GED class? Well, you now possess customer service, attention to detail, computer skills and organizational abilities. Each of these skills are useful and should be highlighted on your resume.
The interview will be a way for the company to put a face with your resume. It’s always a good idea to dress business casual for an interview — even when they tell you the position requires casual dress. An outfit you would wear to a church event is a great choice. Also, until you know their policies, take the time to remove any piercings and cover your tattoos.
Since we were unsuccessful at sneaking a peek at Expedia’s application, you’ll need to be prepared to answer any questions concerning your background. However, if they don’t ask, we recommend that you’re forthcoming with this information. By being upfront it shows character and honesty. Those are two traits that, when added to your experience, that may be enough to get you in the door. By providing the information it’ll also allow you the opportunity to answer their questions, and explain what changes you have applied to your life.
References are always a great thing to have — even when they aren’t requested. But especially when you’re applying to a company that you’re not sure hires felons or not.
A reference is basically showing that you have people who believe in you and who’re willing to vouch for your work performance. This is why the names you provide should be professional references.