Yes, Dollar General makes it clear they conduct background checks.
Something to keep in mind regarding background checks:
Did you know there states that only look at an offense if it’s less than seven years old? Here is a list of those states:
- California
- Colorado
- Kansas
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New York
- Texas
- Washington
The states that show only guilty convictions are as follows:
- Alaska
- California
- Hawaii
- Indiana (limited check)
- Kentucky
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- New York
The following states still look at everything:
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Connecticut
- DC
- Delaware
- Florida
- Idaho
- Indiana (extensive check)
- Iowa
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oregon
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Company ratings
We looked over Dollar General’s reviews on Their rating is 2.7 out of 5 stars. This is a fairly low rating.
Why was Dollar General given such a low ranking? Many stores are constantly short-staffed, which puts extra stress and work on employees and this affected their ranking. The positive reviews were based off the relationships you are able to build with customers since most are frequent shoppers.
What felonies Dollar General will not hire
The company didn’t give us a list of felonies that would keep you from being hired before you had a chance to explain. See the next section for more information.
What felony convictions might have a hard time getting hired here?
Being that Dollar General is a retail store, there are a few convictions that may give you a harder time getting a foot in the door.
Here are a few they may take a closer look at:
- Theft — Since Dollar General is a retail store, this is one of the top convictions they will look out for. They’re big on protecting the company’s assets from theft from employees as well as customers.
- Identity theft/fraudulent use of a credit card — Certain positions will have access to credit card information, and they want to make sure this information stays safe.
- Any violent or harassment charges — This may be looked at, especially for any position involving working with customers.
- Any driving offense — If you’re looking at a warehouse position, one of the requirements is a valid driver’s license. Therefore, this might hinder you in this particular position.
Does Dollar General hire sex offenders?
While the company didn’t tell us, we did see online reports that suggest they will when the circumstances are right!
Does Dollar General drug test?
Yes. Dollar General does a pre-employment drug screen.
Have you applied for a job or worked here? Share your experiences!
Do you have experience getting a job at Dollar General with a felony? We appreciate any feedback you can provide.