Chipotle does not make any public claims about doing background checks. We have a firsthand account from a general manager that some locations do background checks.
There have been instances of management staff and corporate employees getting stricter background checks, so learn about that before becoming too invested in moving up with Chipotle.
Here’s what you need to know about background checks:
Some states say that after seven years, your record is between you and the state. If you live in the following states, you’re in luck:
- California
- Colorado*
- Kansas*
- Maryland*
- Massachusetts
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Hampshire*
- New York*
- Texas*
- Washington*
*sometimes certain pay or salary bracket positions require one.
Certain states won’t show not guilty charges on your background. Those are:
- Alaska
- California
- Hawaii
- Indiana
- Kentucky
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- New York
Last, there are states where everything will show on your background check. This means all guilty charges and all not guilty charges. Those states are:
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Connecticut
- DC
- Delaware
- Florida
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oregon
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
Company ratings
Chipotle has thousands of reviews on As of December 2nd, 2018, they scored a 3.4 out of 5 on an overall satisfaction rating. That is an average rating, but most reviews are positive.
Good reviews mentioned meal benefits and flexible scheduling. They also said Chipotle offers options for you to pay for schooling and chances to get promoted. The people who left good reviews really seemed to love it.
Bad reviews complained about work you’d find in any kind of restaurant. They claimed the job is very stressful during busy times and that bad teamwork sometimes makes things harder than they need to be.
Just know to take any review, good or bad, with a grain of salt. No job is perfect, so you should think about if what the job offers is worth the negatives.
What felonies Chipotle will not hire
The company didn’t say there were any straight “no” charges that would stop your application in its tracks. However, see below for charges that will cause you more headaches than others.
What felony convictions might have a hard time getting hired here?
You asked, does Chipotle hire felons? We answered yes, but on a case-by-case basis.
Service jobs often involve working with the general public, so anyone convicted of a sex crime may have difficulty getting hired at Chipotle.
Chipotle also hires minors, so if your felony involved child pornography or a minor in any way, you will not be eligible.
If you have committed any kind of violent felony which involved food or drink, this may also be a disqualifier. Chipotle has had a complicated history with food safety and is going to be wary of hiring anyone with such charges.
People with DUI related felonies may have difficulty getting hired as well. Some busier restaurants prefer you don’t need public transit or rides to get to work.
There is also a chance you’ll be working with a register and handling cash. You might even have access to sensitive financial information. Some managers may therefore be wary of hiring you if you’ve been convicted of theft or fraud.
However, don’t be discouraged. Interviews exist so you can explain yourself and why you deserve a chance. Remember that Chipotle is set up to have multiple workstations. See if there are stations where you can be placed where any problems your conviction may cause are minimized.
Does Chipotle hire sex offenders?
The company didn’t tell us if they do or not. There is also very little about this online. We’re not sure!
Does Chipotle drug test?
It is uncertain whether Chipotle drug tests or not. However, on their website, they say they try to complete their interview and hiring process in the same day.
If you want to prepare for Chipotle’s fast hiring, you should be ready to take a drug test before you submit your application — just in case.
Have you applied for a job or worked here? Share your experiences
Do you currently work at Chipotle or have been employed there before? Have you applied or interviewed at a Chipotle and want to give your firsthand account? Using information from this article, were you able to get a job at Chipotle with a felony?
Join the discussion about Chipotle and how it does (or doesn’t) work for felons.
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