They do, sometimes. When we looked at multiple reports online, we saw that some people say they do perform background checks and some people say they don’t. Even when Buffalo Wild Wings does do a background check, they don’t discriminate against felons.
This is due to a few things. About half of the locations are owned directly by the company while the other half are owned by independent franchise owners. That means their hiring methods can differ concerning background checks.
Background checks are more common with sensitive positions such as management. So, does Buffalo Wild Wings do background checks? They might, so be prepared.
Here’s what you need to know about background checks:
If your felony conviction was seven years ago, these states won’t even look at them in the check:
- California
- Colorado*
- Kansas*
- Maryland*
- Massachusetts
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Hampshire*
- New York *
- Texas *
- Washington*
(* sometimes certain pay or salary bracket positions require one.)
Eight states don’t consider your not guilty verdicts:
- Alaska
- California
- Hawaii
- Indiana
- Kentucky
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- New York
Be aware, if you live in one of these states, that they will see everything (including not guilty verdicts):
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Connecticut
- DC
- Delaware
- Florida
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oregon
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Company ratings
Buffalo Wild Wings has over 2,000 reviews on, giving us a pretty good picture of what it is like to work there. They have a 3.3 rating out of five, with 57 percent of people saying they would recommend the job to a friend.
Most people say there is a good working environment. The main complaints are against management, but that’s pretty typical with most jobs. A bad review about management doesn’t apply across the board or even that you will have the same issues.
What felonies Buffalo Wild Wings will not hire
There are no strict exclusions from the company. They really do seem to work on a case-by-case basis, but read below for the charges that cause the most issues.
What felony convictions might have a difficult time getting a hired here?
You now need to know if your felony will count against you. Certain felony convictions could stop them from hiring you. For example:
- Convictions involving robbery or theft will work against you for jobs that require you to handle money. After being with the company for a while and earning their trust, you may move into these positions (think server or bartender).
- Certain sex crime convictions may disqualify you from being a host or a server. However, you may be able to get a job that doesn’t involve regular contact with the public, such as a cook or cleaner.
Does Buffalo Wild Wings hire sex offenders?
We don’t have a confirmation on this, one way or the other.
Does Buffalo Wild Wings drug test?
We could not find any information directly from the company stating whether or not they perform drug tests. Our research shows they do not drug test at hiring, but will do so if they have to.
Many restaurants drug test cooks and managers. They will also test you if there is an incident. Being aware will help you prepare.
Have you worked at or gotten an interview here? Share your experiences!
Getting hired after coming out of prison may not be easy, but it is possible. Did you land a job at Buffalo Wild Wings? What roadblocks did you stumble upon? We want to hear your experiences in the comments below about how to get hired at Buffalo Wild Wings.
Good luck with your job search!