What are some entry-level jobs?
Aramark is a big company and, as such, they have a good range of positions. On the food services end of the spectrum, they offer work as chefs or kitchen assistants. These jobs won’t be in a restaurant because Aramark is in the business of supplying food to other businesses, like cafeterias. However, the work will still be similar.
There are also sales positions, transportation jobs and custodial work. Hours of operation will vary from position-to-position.
Tips to get hired here with a felony
Now that we have seen the jobs they have available, it’s time to look at another important consideration: Getting that job.
As always, it all starts with submitting a good application. This basic but crucial part of the process will determine whether or not they give you serious consideration. Because of how important this matter is, you’ll want to spend plenty of time on your resume.
It can help to have someone look over it with you. This is a good idea for anyone, really — it’s often easier for someone else to point out your skills. A friend or someone at a career center can help make sure that your resume pops.
To do that, emphasize the experience you have that qualifies you for the position. For example, if you are applying for a sales job, list anything you can think of that has something to do with customer service. If you have experience with food, mention it on an application to their food service jobs.
You can even list relevant experience from work you did while incarcerated — it’s beneficial to put a positive spin on your background!
Once you nail the application, they will (fingers crossed) call you in for the interview. This means that they like what you are about, but they want to confirm that you are a good fit for them.
As with any applicant, you will be expected to show up looking professional. This means wearing nice work-appropriate clothes, and covering tattoos when possible.
You will also want to try to work out the pre-interview jitters. To maximize your chances of getting hired, you should try to come off as naturally as possible. If you have a relaxation ritual (music, tea, a long drive, so on and so forth), do it! Whatever it takes. Show up calm and comfortable, and you will improve your chances considerably.