Whether you have an American Express credit card or not, you probably know the name and how big a financial company they are. But will American Express hire felons? We’re going to answer that question and give you some other great tips on getting a job with them.
They are one of the world’s largest credit and payment networks, with billions of dollars in assets. They have thousands of employees worldwide and have many entry-level job openings. You do need to be aware that the financial industry is particularly strict about job applicant, but we’ll help you!
Justice-involved folks have to overcome a lot of challenges.cFinding companies that hire former felons and getting a job is one of the major struggles. Relaunch Pad is here to help! We have loads of information to make your job search just a bit easier. We have directly contacted over 1,000 US companies to learn what their hiring practices are for former felons to inform you about your chances of getting hired.
Below are some of the topics that we will cover for you:
- What are the chances of American Express hiring a felon?
- Does American Express hire people with misdemeanors?
- What are some entry-level jobs at American Express?
- Does American Express do background checks?
Sure, it’s a big company with a lot of jobs, but what are your chances of finding a job at American Express with a felony? Read on to see what we found and for some tips on landing a job. We work hard to give you the best information because a lot of us have been there ourselves, experiencing employment issues, and the rest have been helping people just like you find jobs for many years.
The Relaunch Pad is designed to aid former felons to locate and get hired in good jobs that will help them to get their lives on track.
Now we’ll get to the bottom-line: getting hired at American Express with a felony on your record.