If you’d like to build a future in the car rental business, you may want to know, for example, does Hertz hire felons? Hertz is one of a handful of reputable car rental agencies operating nationwide.
We contacted Hertz directly to ask them if they hire former felons. We’ll also answer questions like:
- Does Hertz do background checks?
- Does Hertz hire people with misdemeanors?
- What are some good entry-level jobs at Hertz?
- What’s it like to work for Hertz?
The staff at Relaunch Pad is focused on assisting former felons with getting their lives back on track. Many of us are former felons ourselves, so we know how hard it is to land a good job with a felony record. We’re determined to help you succeed, too!
So let’s take a look at how to get a job at Hertz.
Does Hertz hire felons?
Official company policy for hiring felons
We contacted Hertz directly and this is what they told us about their policy for hiring former felons:
“All of our positions are handled in the same matter. We hire anyone who discloses any misdemeanors or felonies on their application (that pan out with a background check) as long as those charges don’t infringe on our hiring guidelines. These matters, however, are handled on a case-by-case basis, but there is leniency depending on the time of the misconduct.”
Has Hertz hired felons in the past?
The company did not confirm or deny if they’ve hired felons in the past. We have confirmation from other sources that Hertz hires felons, or at least has in the past.
In fact, several reviews online point in that direction. People describe the company as a felon friendly, generally. There were even reports of people with violent crimes being hired.
Does Hertz hire people with misdemeanors?
Yes they do. This is supported by their official statement.
Is Hertz on the Ban the Box list?
The types of questions that someone can be asked when they apply for work is limited by legislation referred to as Ban the Box. Specifically, the legislation removes questions about criminal history from job applications. Another initiative is the Fair Chance Business Pledge. It was put in place by the government in 2016. Its purpose is to urge employers to support fair hiring practices like Ban the Box legislation. Both strategies help make it easier for people with criminal records to get hired.
We can’t find any record that Hertz is on the Ban the Box list or has signed the Fair Chance Business Pledge. However, judging from the official statement they gave us, you should still feel very comfortable applying there.
Does Hertz have special programs for hiring felons?
We could find no record that the company has special programs for hiring felons.
What are the odds someone with a felony will get hired?
The odds of getting a job are high. The company’s official statement suggests it’s certainly not out of the question to get a job at Hertz with a felony.
What are some entry-level jobs?
Entry-level jobs here involve working different shifts, including weekends and holidays, and working outdoors as well as indoors.
Any experience you have working as part of a team will really come in handy. Jobs you’ve been assigned to while serving your sentence count! For example, if you’ve worked in a busy prison kitchen, you know how important it is to work closely with others to get meals ready on time.
The ability to work quickly when needed and pay attention to detail is also critical for these positions. You may have refined some of these skills while you were in prison. Janitorial duties are one example, and a librarian or shop worker are two more.
- Vehicle Service Attendant
As a Vehicle Service Attendant, you’re responsible for getting vehicles ready for the customer to pick up. A driver’s license and clean driving record are required.
- Car Transporter
Driving rental vehicles between airport and off-airport locations is your main responsibility as a Car Transporter. You’ll need to have a good driving record and excellent customer service skills.
- Customer Service Representative
Customer Service Representatives deal directly with customers. They must be pleasant and friendly and go the extra mile to make sure the customer is satisfied. You need to know the services Hertz offers and meet sales goals.
You need a high school education or equivalent to apply, and a minimum of one year of customer service or sales experience. If you can speak languages other than English fluently, that’s a bonus.
How to get hired at Hertz with a felony
You can search for job openings by location at Hertz and apply directly online. According to feedback from employees, hiring takes from one to four weeks. This depends on the speed of the interview process, background check and drug test. After hiring, there’s a brief training period.
In the article Workers With Criminal Records, one of the key takeaways from a recent study done for the Society for Human Resource Management was:
“More than 80% of managers and two-thirds of HR professionals [in America] feel that the value workers with criminal records bring to the organization is as high as or higher than that of workers without records.”
That’s encouraging!
Hertz employees give some great advice online about how to get hired at Hertz. Some good advice was to show up to the interview on time, dressed appropriately, and ready to show you’re fit for the job and can learn.
Here’s our advice to present yourself in the best possible way as a former felon:
- Although you’ve completed an application form online, it can be helpful to bring a short resume to the interview. You can use it to list a few work or character references who can help confirm that you’re working hard to turn your life around after prison.
- Think of at least one question to ask the interviewer to show you’re really interested in working at the company.
- Practice how you’ll explain what you’ve learned from your past mistakes. Remember that Hertz is more interested in what kind of employee you’ll be than in your criminal history.
Does Hertz do background checks?
Yes, they do. According to feedback on Indeed.com from Hertz employees, the company’s background check includes confirming your criminal record, credit history and education level. Hertz is interested in what you’ve been doing to stay out of trouble and build a new life after prison.
It’s important to remember that, by law, all employers are required to make sure of your identity and that you’re eligible to work in the United States.
Here’s what you need to know about background checks:
Certain states won’t look at your record if it’s more than seven years old. If you’re applying in one of these states and your conviction was only six years ago, you may want to wait:
- California
- Colorado*
- Kansas*
- Maryland*
- Massachusetts
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Hampshire*
- New York *
- Texas *
- Washington*
(* sometimes certain pay or salary bracket positions require one.)
These eight states won’t consider any not guilty verdicts on your record:
- Alaska
- California
- Hawaii
- Indiana
- Kentucky
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- New York
These states will look at everything, including your not guilty verdicts:
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Connecticut
- DC
- Delaware
- Florida
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oregon
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Company ratings
Hertz has a fairly good rating as a company. There are over 4,000 reviews on glassdoor.com, almost all from full-time employees. The overall rating is 2.7 out of 5. Of these, 36% say they’d recommend the company to a friend and 50% approve of the CEO.
One management trainee said the “culture and atmosphere at Hertz is what really sets you up for success . . . great opportunities for growth within the company [and] hard work is recognized.”
What felony convictions might have a hard time getting hired here?
If you have felony convictions for driving offenses, you may have difficulty getting hired at Hertz. For example:
- vehicular manslaughter
- repeat DUI convictions
- grand theft auto
When you look at your record, do you see driving offenses that will cause concern? Additionally, do you have any pending charges? As long as your driving record meets their hiring guidelines, you’ll have a much better chance of convincing them you’re right for the job.
Does Hertz drug test?
Yes, most Hertz staff who comment online say they had to pass drug test. It’s done as part of the hiring process and at the same time as the background check. Prepare yourself as far in advance as possible for this test. If you’re not sure you will pass, wait.
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