You’re here because you’re wondering: Does AbbVie hire felons? AbbVie is a world-class pharmaceutical research and development company. Does that sound like an exciting place to work? We’re going to delve into that question and much more in this article.
We want to give you some tips about how to get a job at AbbVie with a felony, as well as answer other important questions like:
- Does AbbVie drug test before they hire?
- What are the entry-level positions at the company?
- Does AbbVie do background checks?
- What do people say about the company?
- Does AbbVie hire people with misdemeanors?
Not only did we ask AbbVie directly about their hiring policies, we also did research on our own. At Relaunch Pad, we are dedicated to bringing you accurate information about the companies we profile. Not only do we strive to help former felons find jobs, we actually hire them. We practice what we preach because we believe in the mission of getting people back on their feet.
Now let’s talk about how to get a job at AbbVie with a felony.
Does AbbVie hire felons?
Official company policy for hiring felons
We asked AbbVie about their policy regarding hiring former felons and they responded that there was none. They do so on a case-by-case basis.
Have they hired felons in the past?
AbbVie said that they have hired felons in the past.
Does AbbVie hire people with misdemeanors?
The company said they hire felons on a case-by-case basis and they’ve hired felons on the past. So, it’s safe to assume they will hire those with misdemeanors as well.
Is AbbVie on the Ban the Box list?
The Ban the Box campaign and the Fair Chance Business Pledge have been great support systems for former felons looking for a fresh start. Ban the Box has convinced many companies and government agencies to remove criminal history questions from their applications. The Pledge is a major partnership between government and businesses. It works to change company culture and allow former felons more opportunities.
AbbVie told us that they don’t ask about your criminal history on their employment application, though they aren’t officially a part of either movement.
Does AbbVie have any special programs for hiring felons?
AbbVie says they don’t have programs set up for hiring felons. We always suggest making stops at your local workforce and job placement agencies. They often offer assistance with clothing for job interviews, as well as classes and job training.
What are the odds someone with a felony will get hired?
We think that the chances are average that a person will get a job at AbbVie with a felony conviction. We base this off of the response we received from the company. Plus, in our research, we also came across responses on job boards where people said they were hired there with a felony.
What are some entry-level jobs?
You can browse AbbVie’s job website to start your search. Yes, you will see many jobs that require advanced degrees. That makes sense considering what the company produces. However, there are also a few opportunities for entry-level jobs that only require a high school diploma, GED or associate’s degree:
- Manufacturing Technician
- Maintenance Technician
- Production Setup Technician
- Pipefitter
Many companies have positions that require certifications or vocational training. Don’t be scared of these jobs. Even though you may not meet the qualifications, use this time to explore continuing education. Many companies will provide training. Local technical schools and workforce centers often have course offerings, as well.
How to get hired at AbbVie with a felony
Before you start your job search with AbbVie, you’ll need to create a profile through their job portal. Part of this process involves uploading a resume. You can skip this part, but we don’t recommend doing that. Resumes are important, which is why we’ve created a guide to help you build a great one.
You probably don’t think you have the experience and skills to make a good resume. That’s not true. Most people don’t think of prison as a time to learn, but we know better. First, think of the jobs you held in prison. Many people take on several during their incarceration, like:
- Librarian
- Clerk
- Kitchen worker
- Maintenance worker
- Landscaper
- Dorm worker
- Medical staff helper
These jobs teach skills necessary for jobs on the outside as well. Not only that, but you performed prison jobs in a high-stress environment. You dealt with all kinds of people and personality types. You certainly learned to negotiate and deal with a wide range of emotions.
Now, consider any classes you took while in prison. Most institutions offer a range of courses. This could include self-improvement classes, GED classes and a range of vocation courses. All of these can be applied to life outside prison walls. If you gained a professional certificate for those courses, even better.
Once you’ve submitted your applications and are waiting to hear back, don’t rest yet. This is a great time to practice your interview skills. Find a friend and have them ask you some basic interview questions. Record your answers so you can listen to your responses. You’ll be surprised at how much this helps you prepare for an interview. Here are some questions you may be asked:
- What experience do you have for this job?
- Have you held similar positions in the past?
- What do you like about our company?
You may also be asked about your criminal history. This is a great time to explain what happened and that you’re looking for a fresh start. What really matters is how you look and your demeanor. First impressions really are important.
You don’t want their first impression to be something like, “Okay, it looks like they just left prison.” To avoid that, get a nice set of clothes for an interview. Your local unemployment office or certain charities will likely have some clothes just for former felons looking for work. Additionally, get a fresh haircut. On the day of the interview, make sure you brush your teeth and put on some deodorant. If you have visible tattoos, consider covering them the best you can.
Does AbbVie do background checks?
AbbVie confirmed that they do perform background checks after they hire an individual.
Here’s what you need to know about background checks:
Not all background checks are equal. Depending on where you’re from, you could face different reporting requirements. The states below only show criminal history going back seven years:
- California
- Colorado*
- Kansas*
- Maryland*
- Massachusetts
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Hampshire*
- New York*
- Texas*
- Washington*
*sometimes certain pay or salary bracket positions require one.
Other states only show convictions in which you were found guilty. All charges a person was found not guilty of are left off the report in these states:
- Alaska
- California
- Hawaii
- Indiana (limited check)
- Kentucky
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- New York
Many states still show your entire criminal history, regardless of how long ago something happened. They also show guilty and not guilty charges. Here is a list of those states:
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Connecticut
- DC
- Delaware
- Florida
- Idaho
- Indiana (extensive check)
- Iowa
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oregon
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Company ratings
AbbVie has a 3.8 out of a possible 5 rating and 88% of respondents approve of the company CEO on the website Those are pretty good numbers!
Many people praised the flexible work schedule. They say the salary is competitive and the work environment is good. Full-time employees also get stock options, another benefit for long-term growth and investment.
The main complaints revolved how slow the company is to change. This may seem strange because AbbVie is a relatively new company, but they used to be part of Abbott Laboratories. It seems the same executives and management have been around a while, which can stunt growth.
What felony convictions might have a hard time getting hired here?
Are you still asking the question: Does AbbVie hire felons? We know they have in the past, but we want you to be aware that some convictions make it harder to gain employment. AbbVie actually gave us one example when they responded to us. They said:
“I’d recommend not considering positions where the felony may pose a risk in the position. For instance, a job in finance or handling cash wouldn’t be a good position to consider for someone with a conviction for embezzlement or theft. Beyond that, there are no positions where hiring felons is more likely than other positions.”
Above, the company makes a point to say that certain charges will hinder a person’s chances for certain positions. So, for example, they may take a closer look at sex crime convictions for jobs that see regular interaction with the public. This would likely include most of their sales positions. Also, jobs that require the use of a company vehicle may not work for those with felony DUI charges or theft convictions.
Does AbbVie drug test?
AbbVie didn’t answer this, but our research shows that they do drug test prospective employees. Our research shows that a urine drug test is part of the hiring process.
Have you applied for a job or worked here before? We want to hear from you!
Do you know how to get hired at AbbVie with a felony? If you’ve worked at AbbVie or gone through their application process, we want to hear about your experiences. Our readers would appreciate any information that could help them with their job search. Thanks for reading!