The Yavapai Reentry Project mission – Yavapai Reentry Project is a regional support system which promotes successful reintegration of formerly incarcerated individuals in a way that improves community safety by reducing criminal behavior.
The Yavapai Reentry Project was established in 2011 to focus on a key population in the community whose needs were not being fulfilled — those exiting the department of corrections. In an effort to reduce recidivism, improve individual lives, and promote a safer community for all members of Yavapai County, a group of nonprofit organizations, government offices, and motivated community members came together to form the Yavapai Reentry Project.
More information on services provided:
Services provided are the Community Coach Program, Welcome Home Baskets and Participant Grant Program. They also offer classes, trainings and events in the community.
Who they help – We serve individuals living in or returning to Yavapai County who are incarcerated or have been incarcerated. Our coaches support individuals by providing resources which allows them to navigate through the community barriers.