Alaska Native Justice Center Prisoner Reentry mission – Justice for Alaskan Native People.
The Alaska Native Justice Center (ANJC) was established in 1993 by CIRI as a tribal non-profit to address Alaska Natives’ unmet needs regarding the Alaska civil and criminal justice system in response to the increasing disproportionate rates of victimization, incarceration and other justice-related issues impacting Alaska Natives throughout Alaska.
We provide services to all ethnicities and integrate Alaskan Native culturally based advocacy programs and intervention initiatives necessary to assist in the resolution of legal circumstances such as divorce, child custody, domestic violence/sexual assault, minor in consuming violations and adult prisoner reentry.
The Adult Reentry Program involves the use of services targeted at promoting the effective reintegration of offenders back to communities upon release. Reentry programming, which involves a comprehensive case management approach, is intended to assist offenders in acquiring positive life skills necessary to succeed in the community. The Alaska Native Justice Center offers both pre- and post-release services for participants enrolled in six-month program.