Travelers is a major insurance company with positions all over the country. For many, they are a great opportunity for employment . . . but does Travelers hire felons? That is the question that we are here to answer today.
At Relaunch Pad, we contact companies directly to find out their hiring policies for former felons. Our purpose is to give you the best information possible as you search for a job. We will also look at a few other key pieces of information.
- Does Travelers hire people with misdemeanors?
- Will Travelers screen for drugs?
- Does Travelers do background checks?
These things in mind, read on to learn about Travelers’ hiring policies.
Does Travelers hire felons?
Official company policy for hiring felons
We went directly to the source and asked them about their hiring policy. Here is what they told us:
Unfortunately, we are not able to provide information on our hiring practices to outside parties, but encourage all applicants who feel they are qualified to apply for open positions with our company. I apologize that we are not able to assist further in regards to your questions.
This isn’t necessarily a problem. Many companies keep their hiring policies a secret. If you are a former felon looking for a job at Travelers, you may still have a chance to get hired.
Has Travelers hired felons in the past?
We have no official record that they have in the past. This doesn’t they haven’t before. It just means we can’t say anything with certainty.
Does Travelers hire people with misdemeanors?
Understanding Travelers’ hiring policy for felons is important. However, it doesn’t tell the whole story. We also need to find out does Travelers hire people with misdemeanors?
Unfortunately, this is another part of their hiring process that is unclear.
Is Travelers on the Ban the Box list?
The Ban the Box Campaign is an effort to give former felons a better chance to get jobs. The campaign does what it can to eliminate questions about criminal records from applications. It’s also currently law in 11 states!
There is also the Fair Chance Business Pledge. This is a voluntary program. Companies sign on and promise not to hold a criminal record against an applicant. Both programs are great opportunities for former felons.
Unfortunately, Travelers has not signed the Pledge. This isn’t a huge deal. Many companies that haven’t signed the pledge will still hire former felons.
Does Travelers have programs for hiring felons?
Unfortunately, Travelers doesn’t have any programs for felons. Does that mean you can’t get a job at Travelers with a felony? Nope. It just means there aren’t any programs available to make it easier.
What are the odds someone with a felony will get hired?
Does Travelers hire felons? Let’s review what we know. Travelers will not tell us their hiring policy. We can’t confirm if they have hired former felons in the past. They have not signed the Fair Chance Business Pledge or Ban the Box. And they don’t have any special programs for hiring former felons.
Given what we know, your chances to get a job at Travelers with a felony are uncertain. We just don’t know enough to say anything for sure.
What are some entry-level jobs?
Travelers offers jobs in several different categories. They have IT support positions, jobs for insurance and claims specialists, and human customer service jobs.
If you don’t have much relevant work experience, the customer service branch will probably be your best bet.
The other positions may require a four-year degree, and possibly even relevant experience.
The job of a customer service professional is pretty much what the name suggests. You work from a call center, and handle customer concerns and questions.
How to get hired at Travelers with a felony
A good resume will definitely take you far here. Though we don’t know this company’s policies, a solid application will help you get hired at Travelers with a felony.
Put your experience at the forefront. If you’ve worked in customer service, great! Make sure that it’s clearly highlighted.
Keep in mind that most of the positions at this company involve customer service to some extent. So any experience in this area will help you, regardless of what job you apply for.
If you have a college education, that is also a good thing to focus on. Though not necessary for every position, it will still make you stand out against other applicants.
To make sure you really nail the application, you may want to get a second pair of eyes to look things over. A friend, family member or even career center may be able to help you improve your application.
If you do get an interview, you should prepare to look as professional as possible. Insurance agencies like Travelers promote a very formal image. They want you to look clean cut, and friendly. If you have tattoos and piercings, do what you can to conceal them.
Of course, you also need to perform well in the interview. Both insurance sales positions and customer service jobs require lots of human interactions. Show them you are up to the task by being as natural and comfortable as possible.
This is easier said than done. Interviews are naturally a little bit awkward. If it helps, you may consider doing a practice interview with a friend or family member.
Does Travelers do background checks?
Now that we have looked at how to get hired at Travelers, it’s time to examine another important question. Does Travelers do background checks?
They do. They use a third party agency to do their screenings. From what we have seen, the process can be lengthy — taking over one month in some cases.
Bad news? Maybe, maybe not. Here are a few things that you should know about background checks.
For one thing, there are some states that only check back seven years. This means they won’t know about anything that happened before. Here are those states:
- California
- Colorado*
- Kansas*
- Maryland*
- Massachusetts
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Hampshire*
- New York*
- Texas*
- Washington*
Better yet, there are also some states that won’t look at not guilty convictions. These are:
- Alaska
- California
- Hawaii
- Indiana
- Kentucky
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- New York
Unfortunately, it isn’t all good news. There are also some states that view your entire record, including not guilty verdicts. Here are those states:
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Connecticut
- DC
- Delaware
- Florida
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oregon
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Company ratings
We took to the internet to find out what it’s like to work at Travelers. To find out, we looked at
We found that they had an impressive 3.9 out of a potential 5 stars from the users of Glassdoor. The lowest score was for work-life balance, which came in at 3.6.
The highest score was for compensation, which got four stars.
What felony convictions might have a hard time getting hired here?
Most of the jobs at Travelers are customer service-heavy. That being the case, they are probably going to shy away from violent or sexual offenses. That’s common for companies that deal with customer service.
Another obvious thing to remember is that this is an insurance agency. That being the case, insurance fraud won’t be looked upon kindly.
Fraud, or a business-related crime in general, will also make it hard for you to get hired.
Does Travelers drug test?
Yes. A drug test is part of their background check. They do them after the interview if they would like to hire you. The hire is completed once you pass the drug test and satisfy their screening, so make sure that you are in a position to pass their requirements.
Have you applied for a job or worked here? Share your experiences!
If you have worked at Travelers before, we would love to hear from you. Tell us what you know so that we can better inform the community.