If you’re checking out this article, there’s a good chance that you’re a former felon trying to figure out does Thrifty Car Rental hire felons. Relaunch Pad has compiled all the information you need before you apply.
Our mission is to help former offenders lead successful lives after their release. We know what it’s like playing Job Search Roulette, which is why we’re giving you the tools you need to get a job at Thrifty Car Rental with a felony. We contact companies directly to find out about their hiring practices and source our staff from former felons so you get the best advice and most relevant information to help you get a job that fits your skills.
Relaunch Pad even contacts companies directly to learn what their hiring policy is when it comes to former offenders. Let’s see what they said!
Does Thrifty Car Rental hire felons?
Official policy for hiring felons from Thrifty Car Rental
We contacted the company directly and asked them if they hire former felons. Their response was as follows:
“All of our positions are handled in the same matter. We hire anyone who disclosures any misdemeanors or felonies on their application (that pan out with a background check), as long as those charges don’t infringe on our hiring guidelines. These matters, however, are handled on a case-by-case basis, but there is leniency depending on the time of the misconduct.”
Thrifty Car Rental makes our list of companies that hire former felons or those with a misdemeanor record.
Have they hired felons in the past?
While they did not confirm or deny that they have hired former felons in the past, we have received confirmation from other sources that leads us to believe you can get a job at Thrifty Car Rental with a felony.
Does Thrifty Car Rental hire people with misdemeanors?
Outside sources say they will. Their hiring policy adds that it would depend on when the crime was committed and what was found in the background check.
Are they on the Ban the Box list?
The Ban the Box list a collection of states, counties and cities that want to help former felons successfully re-enter society. The key point is removing the checkbox that asks about your criminal record so former felons have a real chance at recovering from past mistakes.
They may not appear on Ban the Box or other campaigns like the Fair Chance Business Pledge, but don’t let that stop you from pursuing employment with them.
Their hiring practices are in-line with the philosophy behind the Band the Box campaign.
Do they have any special programs for hiring felons?
They don’t appear to have a specific program in place for hiring/training those with criminal records. However, they won’t pass over an applicant just because they have a legal history, either.
What are the odds someone with a felony will get hired?
In terms of felon-friendliness, how would we rank Thrifty Car Rental? Our sources have confirmed that they hire people with felonies and/or misdemeanors on their record. So, we would place the odds of getting a job with them at uncertain. Thrifty Car Rental is more likely to give you a chance than some other employers.
What are some entry-level jobs?
The Careers Page on their website provides a link to a site which allows you to search through over 250 job openings within the company. (If you’re wondering how to get hired at Thrifty Car Rental, both of these links are extremely helpful!)
One of the easiest places to get started is as a Vehicle Service Attendant (car cleaner). Counter Sales Reps positions would be perfect for anyone with previous retail experience.
Will there be a learning curve with these positions? Sure, but they’ll give you a chance to get your foot in the door and show them that you’re willing to work hard. They will train you to do the work required; you just need to be patient, apply yourself and do your best.
If you get a job at Thrifty Car Rental with a felony and perform well, you can get a promotion. They take pride in having a “promote-from-within culture”, so you have further opportunities to better yourself.
How to get a job at Thrifty Car Rental with a felony
Here are some tips on how to get hired at Thrifty Car Rental with a conviction.
- Make sure they understand your felony does not define you as a person. Help them to see you as a real candidate. Explain how you’ve changed from the person who was capable of committing a crime to the person you are today.
- Put your best foot forward. Be well-dressed and clean, but also be excited and thank them for taking the time to speak with you. Your enthusiasm and politeness will set you apart from other applicants.
- Talk up any previous experience you have in the industry and let them know why you’re interested in the position. Show them you’ll be a valuable and loyal long-term employee.
Does Thrifty Car Rental do background checks?
One of the key components to answering the question “does Thrifty Car Rental hire felons?” is the background check. As stated in their hiring of former felons policy, Thrifty Car Rental does do background checks.
The important thing to remember is to be upfront with them about your past. Be open with them about your legal history so what they see in their report matches the information you gave them.
Here’s what you need to know about background checks:
Some states don’t even consider information more than seven years old. This means that if your offense was six years ago, you’ll want until next year to apply. This is also great news for former felons living in these states! If your felony conviction was seven years ago, these states won’t even look at them in the check:
- California
- Colorado*
- Kansas*
- Maryland*
- Massachusetts
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Hampshire*
- New York *
- Texas *
- Washington*
(* sometimes certain pay or salary bracket positions require one.)
Even better, there are states that don’t consider court cases were you were found not guilty. Eight states are currently on this list:
- Alaska
- California
- Hawaii
- Indiana
- Kentucky
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- New York
However, there are still some states that will look at your whole record. This includes your not guilty verdicts. Be aware, if you live in one of these states, that they will see everything:
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Connecticut
- DC
- Delaware
- Florida
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oregon
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Company ratings
So, what’s it like working at Thrifty Car Rental? Here are a couple of reviews employees shared on indeed.com:
“I enjoyed detailing cars at this job. Despite the different weather temperatures, I enjoyed working there. Got excitement from driving brand new cars. Also learned how to properly care for a vehicle.”
“It was a fun place to work. No hard parts to the job. Driving the new cars was enjoyable.”
And, while not every review was positive, of those employees who submitted reviews on glassdoor.com, almost half of them said they would recommend Thrifty Car Rental to a friend. Their rating came out to 2.6 out of a potential 5 stars.
What felonies will have a difficult time getting a job here?
It could be difficult to find employment with a Thrifty Car Rental center that is located at an airport. This depends on the airport’s security requirements for employees, but it’s something to keep in mind. You can still work at their independent locations.
If your crime involved theft (of either money or an automobile), that could be a hindrance here as well.
Does Thrifty Car Rental drug test?
Thrifty Car Rental is “a Drug-Free Workplace. All employment is contingent on successful completion of drug and background screening.” Keep that in mind when submitting an application and pursuing employment with them. And, for those who are getting back on their feet after a drug-related offense, think of this as added accountability to keep you on track.
Share your experiences!
You have all the information a former felon needs to apply for a job at Thrifty Car Rental and the tools required to successfully land an interview. We hope knowing the answers to questions like “does Thrifty Car Rental hire people with misdemeanors?” will help you on your journey.
What pieces of information were most useful to you? What else would you like to know? Feel free to share any other questions or comments with us as well.
Good luck!