Have you thought about getting a job at a casino, but are afraid you’re felony might hold you back? Maybe you’ve wondered: Does the Las Vegas Sands hire felons?
They are best known for the Venetian Las Vegas and Palazzo Las Vegas hotels and casinos, among others around the world. If you’re interested in gaming and hospitality, Relaunch Pad can help you get a job at the Las Vegas Sands with a felony by answering the following questions:
- Does the Las Vegas Sands hire people with misdemeanors?
- How do I apply?
- Does the Las Vegas Sands do background checks?
- Will my felony disqualify me?
- Do they drug test?
We know it can be tough finding work because we’ve been in your shoes. Our team is made up primarily of ex-offenders. That’s why we directly contact companies and ask them if they hire former felons. Our team also does extensive research so that we can give you tips for your resume and interview when the time comes.
Now let’s find out how to get hired at the Las Vegas Sands with a conviction.
Does the Las Vegas Sands hire felons?
Official company policy for hiring felons
We’ve contacted the Las Vegas Sands to ask about their hiring policy, but haven’t received a response. We did, however, find this on their website:
“Our people are the foundation of Las Vegas Sands Corp.’s success, and we strive to ensure a positive work experience built on the values of respect, integrity, engagement and accountability. We achieve those values through a diverse and talented team whose passion for our guests come together in delivering amazing experiences for guests and team members alike.”
It goes on to say:
“Las Vegas Sands maintains a strong commitment to diversity and recruits, trains and develops individuals of all experiences, ages, cultural and racial backgrounds, and religious beliefs. We take pride in being a proactive leader in promoting equal opportunities in all facets of the company’s operations, from Purchasing and Contracting to Recruiting and Human Resources.”
What this is saying is that they are an equal opportunity employer, and while it doesn’t specifically mention ex-offenders, you should still apply like anyone else.
Has the Las Vegas Sands hired felons in the past?
Although we haven’t heard back from the company, our sources say the Las Vegas Sands hasn’t hired felons in the past.
Does the Las Vegas Sands hire people with misdemeanors?
Unfortunately, we can’t answer this at this time.
Is the Las Vegas Sands on the Ban the Box list?
Have you never heard of Ban the Box? It’s a list of companies that are making an effort at helping former felons with a chance at a new life by removing the checkbox from applications asking about previous convictions.
The Fair Chance Business Pledge is a similar program aimed at giving ex-offenders a fair shot by looking at their current skills and talents instead of focusing on their criminal past.
The Las Vegas Sands doesn’t participate in either of these programs. We filled out an online application and, while it does ask about felonies and misdemeanors, there is a note that says this will not automatically disqualify you from working there.
Does the Las Vegas Sands have special programs for hiring felons?
They don’t offer these types of programs at this time.
What are the odds that someone with a felony will get hired?
The odds of getting hired at the Las Vegas Sands with a felony are low. This is because we haven’t received a response regarding their hiring practices and our sources say they won’t hire felons. However, it plainly states on their application that a conviction won’t necessarily rule you out. So if your record is for something minor, you should consider applying.
What are some entry-level jobs?
The Las Vegas Sands main entry-level jobs consist of housekeeping and administrative positions. This includes checking in and out guests, cleaning empty rooms, and working in the kitchen.
This is a great place to start your career with the company. Starting on the ground floor will give you a chance to learn your way around the company and give you a good shot at promotions and advancement.
How to get hired at the Las Vegas Sands with a felony
So you’ve decided to try your hand at getting a job at the Las Vegas Sands. There are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind when submitting your online application, then.
You’ll need a great resume. They look at previous work history for the past 10 years. If there are any gaps in employment, be sure to include those and why . . . even if it’s because of your arrest record.
They ask about misdemeanor and felony convictions on the application, so it’s important that you’re honest. They will do a background check so there’s no point in hiding it.
List any experience you have that is hospitality-related. Have you worked at a hotel before? Do you have customer service skills? Do you know your way around a kitchen and dining area? Have you worked at a competing casino?
Include talents and skills. Noting that you ran a cash register, cleaned and changed rooms, or worked in a kitchen are all good examples. Then tell them where you learned them. Were you self-taught? Or maybe you attended classes?
Your laundry service duties from being incarcerated have never been more useful! Explain how your skills crossover to housekeeping so they see you’re already thinking about how to do the job well.
If you need help with your resume, you can turn to our resume guide. It’s been specifically developed to help former felons with the resume and application process.
Once you’ve made it to the interview, you’ll want to wear something professional. Remember, you’re going to be representing the company. If you don’t have anything to wear to an office, check out a local clothing pantry for some options.
Arrive 10-15 minutes early. Not only will this show you can be on-time and reliable, it’ll give you a chance to fill out any pre interview paperwork, if necessary.
Keep all of your answers positive. It’s important to show them that you can keep your composure during stressful times.
Be honest about your past. Again, they’ll be doing a background check, so they’ll find out eventually. It’s best to be upfront without them having to find out the hard way.
Does the Las Vegas Sands do background checks?
The Las Vegas Sands will do a background check during the hiring process. It says this on their Privacy Policy page:
“We obtain credit information to evaluate applications for credit, and we obtain background check information for employment applications.”
Here’s what you need to know about background checks:
Not all states look at background checks the same. For example, if you live in these states, they won’t consider anything older than seven years:
- California
- Colorado*
- Kansas*
- Maryland*
- Massachusetts
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Hampshire*
- New York*
- Texas*
- Washington*
(* sometimes certain pay or salary bracket positions require one.)
And these states don’t look at any not guilty verdicts:
- Alaska
- California
- Hawaii
- Indiana (limited check)
- Kentucky
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- New York
The states in this next list, however, will see your entire record, including those cases where you were found not guilty:
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Connecticut
- DC
- Delaware
- Florida
- Idaho
- Indiana (extensive check)
- Iowa
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oregon
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Company ratings
We did some online digging to bring you the Las Vegas Sands ratings. On glassdoor.com, they have 3.4 stars out of 5. While there are great benefits to working there and it’s a fun work environment, the work-life balance and continuous upper management turnover seem to be a problem.
What felony convictions might have a hard time getting hired here?
Does the Las Vegas Sands hire felons? It doesn’t look like they do, but there are certain felonies that will make it certain you won’t get hired. For example, casinos aren’t able to hire anyone with certain financial or violent convictions. Additionally, any identity theft or other breach of trust offenses will keep you from getting hired.
Does the Las Vegas Sands drug test?
While we have no firsthand knowledge, our sources say it’s likely you’ll be drug tested before an offer of employment is made.
Have you applied for a job or worked here? Share your experiences!
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