For former felons who want to focus on helping others, Quest Diagnostics can be an ideal place to work. But does Quest Diagnostics hire felons? We contacted them directly to find out for you!
Here at Relaunch Pad, our goal is to make the job search and hiring process easier on former felons. Many of the people who work here have criminal records, too, so you can be sure our advice is coming from a firsthand source.
In this article, we will be focusing on Quest Diagnostics, a company that offers diagnostic testing solutions for a number of illnesses, diseases and other medical requirements.
If you’re looking to apply for a job at Quest, read through this article before you get started. Below, we’ll answer questions like:
- Does Quest Diagnostics hire people with misdemeanors?
- What can former felons do to get hired at Quest Diagnostics?
- Does Quest Diagnostics do background checks?
Read on for more information and some of our tips on how to get hired at Quest Diagnostics.
Does Quest Diagnostics hire felons?
Official company policy for hiring felons
To answer the most important question first, we asked Quest Diagnostics directly about their policy for hiring felons. Here’s what they said:
“Quest Diagnostics does not automatically refuse to hire applicants based solely upon criminal record history. Instead, if an applicant has a criminal conviction record, Quest Diagnostics will conduct a job-related “individualized assessment” before deciding whether to hire or deny employment to an applicant with a criminal record. The individualized assessment involves reviewing a variety of factors relating to the individual and his or her criminal record, as well as the position for which the individual is applying.”
So does Quest Diagnostics hire felons? It sure sounds like it! We’re going to be honest, things are looking good. This statement shows you that Quest is open to helping former felons looking for employment, which is a great start.
Has Quest Diagnostics hired felons in the past?
Yes. Quest Diagnostics has hired applicants with felony convictions after doing the individualized assessment described above.
This is no guarantee, of course, since a former felon might still be rejected if they are not a good match or their application is not up to the mark. But we’re here to help you with that!
Does Quest Diagnostics hire people with misdemeanors?
Considering that they have hired former felons, we are fairly sure they would hire people with misdemeanors, too.
Is Quest Diagnostics on the Ban the Box list?
When it comes to Quest Diagnostics, there is good news and then there is more good news.
In addition to all the stuff we already told you about, Quest doesn’t ask about a criminal record on the initial job application. So the fact that Quest Diagnostics isn’t on the Ban the Box list really makes no difference, since they’ve adapted the policy already.
Regardless, Ban the Box is still an important initiative, created to get more companies to follow suit and remove the dreaded box from the first round of applications.
The Fair Chance Business Pledge works along similar lines: Companies take the Pledge to say they’ll remove barriers between former felons and their chance to contribute to society.
Does Quest Diagnostics have special programs for felons?
No, they don’t. But their company policies allow for former felons to find success and get a new start within their company, which should definitely count for something.
If you’re looking for programs that specifically help former felons, try CASES, a non-profit based in New York that works with felons to provide support from medical care to re-entry into the workforce.
You can also check out the National Reentry Resource Center, a government site dedicated to helping felons get a fresh start.
What are the odds someone with a felony will get hired?
Looking at their policies and general attitude towards former felons, we’d say the odds are high. Plus, you can find a lot of jobs that will be available to you, no matter your qualifications or experience.
What are some entry-level jobs?
As we said, your options at Quest are many. There are a variety of shifts in a number of fields that do not require any education beyond high school. Some examples include:
Customer Care Representative I or Client Service Assistant
These jobs are basically secretary positions. You’d be responding to emails, answering calls and doing routine data entry.
While experience is preferred, it’s not required. Both have senior jobs you will be eligible for after you gain some experience. You can make up for a lack of experience by being a punctual, reliable and proactive person.
Customer Service Representative I
This is a great job for patient people who like helping others. As a customer service rep, you would be working in a call center environment, providing customers with solutions to issues they might be having. This job comes with an easy step up to a more senior position as well.
Coordinate the dispatch of products and documents to clients. A degree and experience are preferred, but not a required. An organized multi-tasker will thrive in this work environment.
Working closely with the dispatcher, you’d be the one in charge of deliveries, pickups and sorting goods. This job requires a driver’s license, but no other qualifications are needed.
You represent the company at reception by greeting clients, answering calls and being a people person.
Remember that this is just a small part of the jobs available to you. You might also find that if you do have a specific qualification, such as being a registered nurse or having IT experience, there are a whole lot more options.
How to get a job at Quest Diagnostics with a felony
When we asked Quest for advice on getting hired, they told us:
“Because Quest Diagnostics treats all applicants for employment with fairness and respect, we recommend that former offenders approach the job search in the same way.
After a conditional job offer is made, respond to questions about criminal records transparently and with professionalism. Quest Diagnostics will thoughtfully and with care perform the individualized assessment described above.”
This basically means that the way you present yourself counts for a lot when applying for a job with them, regardless of your past. This is especially great in a world where so many people are or have been incarcerated.
It’s companies like Quest that end up changing countless lives for the better and help felons get back in the game. That’s a big part of why they’re such a great company to work for! So, here are our tips on how to get a job at Quest Diagnostics with a felony.
No matter what job you’re applying for, it will pay off to go the extra mile. That starts with carefully reading through the postings on their careers section. After that’s done, the next step is making a great resume.
It needs to include all your relevant information, but still be short enough to be easy to read. It should be to the point, yet friendly. Be specific, but also do a good job at showcasing your various strengths. If you think that’s sounds confusing, we don’t blame you.
You need to show them you’re the candidate they’re looking for. Show how you’re professional and make sure to talk about the skills they’re looking for.
Does Quest Diagnostics do background checks?
Yes, a background check will be done before you can start working at Quest. But with policies like theirs, this shouldn’t be something to worry too much about.
Here’s some more information on background checks:
These are the states where no felony older than seven years is considered part of your record:
- California
- Colorado*
- Kansas*
- Maryland*
- Massachusetts
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Hampshire*
- New York*
- Texas*
- Washington*
(* there are certain pay or salary bracket positions where other conditions do apply)
Then, there are eight states that don’t consider cases where you were found not guilty. These are:
- Alaska
- California
- Hawaii
- Indiana (limited check)
- Kentucky
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- New York
However, if you live in one of the following states, your whole record will be looked at. No matter the verdict or the time passed, employers in these states will be able to see it:
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Connecticut
- DC
- Delaware
- Florida
- Idaho
- Indiana (extensive check)
- Iowa
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oregon
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Company ratings
Quest Diagnostics rates at 3.4 out of 5 stars on, with the category of compensation and benefits scoring highest. Most reviewers had a very positive experience and 58% of them would recommend working there to a friend.
What felony convictions might have a hard time getting hired here?
Since Quest Diagnostics has an individualized approach to hiring former felons, it’s difficult to say what convictions would make it harder for you to work with them. It ultimately comes down to you personally, rather than your past or a policy.
For example, if you’re looking to be a delivery driver, you should have no vehicle-related offense on your record. Landing a job where you’ll be dealing with people could be difficult if you’ve committed a violent crime.
Does Quest Diagnostics drug test?
It should go without saying that a company that provides drug testing kits to other companies would perform routine drug tests. Quest does it at the hiring stage and once you’re working with them.
Have you applied for a job at Quest Diagnostics? Share your experiences!
Are you a former felon who knows how to get hired at Quest Diagnostics with a felony? Tell others how you did it! Help others by sharing tips in the comments below.