If you like working with the public and can work flexible hours, a job at Casey’s General Store might be a good fit. So, exactly how does Casey’s General Store hire felons? Relaunch Pad asked the company directly about their hiring policies.
At Relaunch Pad, we’re on a mission to help you find a good job when you have a criminal record. Many of our staff have been there themselves, or have experience working with former felons.
So, let us help you find out how to get hired at Casey’s General Store. We answer the following questions, and more:
- What kind of jobs do they have?
- What interview questions can I expect?
- Does Casey’s General Store do background checks?
- Do they do drug tests?
- Does Casey’s General Store hire people with misdemeanors?
- How can I get ready for an interview?
Does Casey’s General Store hire felons?
Official company policy for hiring felons
We contacted the company directly. Here’s their official statement about how to get a job at Casey’s General Store with a felony:
“Due to Employment Restrictions set forth by the State Liquor Laws in the State of Missouri, we are not able to hire a person who has been convicted of a felony or convicted of violating the provisions of any law applicable to the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquor.
State Lottery laws do not permit us to employ any person who will participate in the management or sales of lottery tickets who has been convicted of a felony. Our employees are crossed-trained in all areas of our stores and the necessity of them possibly needing to cover the cashier position, therefore we are unable to hire individuals with these types of convictions.”
Has Casey’s General Store hired felons in the past?
As stated above, many state laws prohibit former felons from working at Casey’s General Store. But, don’t stop reading!
Online comments on indeed.com from current and former Casey’s staff suggest the company has previously hired felons. In addition, there are a few comments from some store managers who say they would hire former offenders. This would depend on the type of offense and how long ago it was, as well as on the position you’re applying for.
For example, one manager answered a question about a drug felony that was 45 years old.
He said as long as the “. . . person wasn’t violent, didn’t steal and with no other convictions, if he was a good person willing to work then I do not see a reason not to [hire him or her]. Felons need work, too.”
Another manager commented, “At Casey’s, if you have a felony, you cannot become management, but it does not keep you from getting a store employee position.”
However, remember that while these comments are encouraging, there are not many of them. So, if you want a hiring manager to take a risk on you, be ready to be very convincing!
Does Casey’s General Store hire people with misdemeanors?
The official statement from the company talks about felonies, and not misdemeanors. They also specify any convictions for violating laws for the manufacture and sale of liquor. These are felony offenses.
So, it looks like Casey’s might hire you with a misdemeanor.
Is Casey’s General Store on the Ban the Box list?
Ban the Box urges companies to take the criminal record check box off the job application. This means your job skills will be considered first. Unfortunately, Casey’s General Store doesn’t appear on the Ban the Box list. Although, this isn’t surprising when you consider the official statement they gave us.
There are other movements out there that aim to help felons. For example, the Fair Chance Business Pledge allows employers to make a positive stand on hiring issues. By signing, businesses show they are going to treat everyone equally.
While Casey’s hasn’t signed the Pledge, it doesn’t mean they don’t believe in equal treatment. Remember, there are some people who have been hired with criminal records.
Does Casey’s General Store have special programs for hiring felons?
We couldn’t find any evidence that Casey’s General Store has special programs for hiring felons. Honestly, we didn’t expect there to be.
What are the odds someone with a felony will get hired?
Sadly, we think your odds of getting hired at Casey’s General Store with a felony are low. We base our opinion on a few things:
- First, the company’s official statement. They say employees are cross-trained for work that state laws prohibit former felons from doing.
- In addition, they are not on record supporting Ban the Box or the Fair Chance Business Pledge.
- However, there are online reports that they have hired felons and the application itself says a criminal record will not immediately disqualify you.
However, you may still have a chance of getting hired at Casey’s General Store. So, we’ve found some good entry-level jobs below.
What are some entry-level jobs?
You can probably imagine what it’s like to work in a general store. However, here are some example jobs to give you a better idea:
- Store Positions:
- Store Employee — working on cash, stocking shelves, cleaning the store and working in the kitchen.
- Delivery Driver — delivering pizza and working in the store.
- Shift Leader — entry-level leadership role assisting the store manager.
- Food Service Leader — food preparation, supervising the kitchen team and scheduling staff.
- Transportation and Distribution:
- Grocery Drivers — delivering product to stores, often overnight.
- Gas Drivers — delivering fuel to stores, day and night positions.
- Distribution Center Team Members — filling orders, loading and unloading trucks.
- Service and Maintenance:
- Service Technicians — maintaining and repairing store equipment.
- Maintenance and Custodial — cleaning crew.
All positions offer flexible work schedules, competitive wages and vacation pay. In fact, if you get hired as a Grocery Driver or Gas Driver, you’ll get a nice signing bonus!
There are also opportunities to advance at Casey’s. In addition, there are a range of health benefits, disability insurance and a 401(k) retirement plan.
Staff need to demonstrate Casey’s values: Be positive, polite, professional and proud.
How to get hired at Casey’s General Store with a felony
While their statement says they don’t hire former offenders, you now know some people say they do. So maybe it’s not a question of if, but one of when does Casey’s General Store hire felons?
First, take a look at job openings online. This will show you what jobs are open nearby.
The website will take you through the steps to apply. In addition, you will find general information about the types of positions. There are even videos that show what it’s like to work for the company.
Don’t forget you can also go to a Casey’s store and apply directly with your resume. This is a great way to make a good first impression on the hiring manager!
Did you know there are many different types of resumes? The best for anyone with gaps in their employment history, such as being incarcerated, is a functional resume.
Functional resumes highlight your skills and experience instead of your work history. Also, this type of resume can help if you are new to an industry.
In addition, here is some good advice about interviewing:
- Wear casual, neat and clean clothing. Dress pants are a good idea.
- Be honest about your criminal background. Managers respect this and some will really want to give you an opportunity to prove yourself.
- Explain why you’re the best fit for the job — talk up your experience and how it will help you do the job right.
- Expect to be asked why you want to work for the company and what you know about Casey’s.
Also, some Casey’s staff on indeed.com suggested you should try to get a pardon or have your record expunged.
Does Casey’s General Store do background checks?
Yes, Casey’s General Store does background checks. The company’s application form tells you what kind of background checks they do.
The form asks about your criminal record. It confirms that some positions require a pre-employment drug test and comprehensive criminal record screening.
Also, it states that a “conviction will not necessarily disqualify [an] applicant from employment.”
Not only that, but applicants in Illinois don’t need to report expunged records. In addition, there is a section on the form for the hiring manager to record comments from previous employers. So, at a minimum, Casey’s will check out your previous work history.
Here’s what you need to know about background checks:
Employers in some states look only at the last seven years for a background check. Here is a list of those states:
- California
- Colorado*
- Kansas*
- Maryland*
- Massachusetts
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Hampshire*
- New York*
- Texas*
- Washington*
(* sometimes certain pay or salary bracket positions require one.)
However, some states actually won’t check for charges where you were found not guilty. Below are these states:
- Alaska
- California
- Hawaii
- Indiana
- Kentucky
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- New York
Lastly, take a look at these states that look at your entire record, including any not guilty verdicts:
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Connecticut
- DC
- Delaware
- Florida
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oregon
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Company ratings
Casey’s General Store has some good online ratings from staff.
On glassdoor.com, they get 3 out of 5 based on 520 reviews.
There are 2,500 reviews on indeed.com. Here, they are rated 3.5 out of 5. Most interestingly, the highest marks are for workplace culture, work-life balance and management.
What felony convictions might have a hard time getting hired here?
Unfortunately, all Casey’s does not hire former felons, according to their statement. However, since we have accounts of former felons getting hired, we’re going to look at some of the offenses that will stop you from being hired.
Theft and fraud convictions will be an issue. This is because you may be handling cash or credit cards. Plus, this is where lottery and gaming laws come into play.
Driving offenses may give you some trouble if your job will be behind the wheel of a company vehicle.
So, plan to be honest about your background. Focus on what you have to offer as an employee. Take some comfort from the fact that, depending on the circumstances, you may be able to get a job at Casey’s General Store with a felony! And, check out our Jobs for Felons page for some more options.
Does Casey’s General Store drug test?
Yes, Casey’s General Store does drug test prospective employees. They may also drug test current staff.
The company’s drug and alcohol policy says testing is done for driving and “safety-sensitive” positions. “Safety-sensitive” covers any position where an accident could cause serious injury, death or property damage.
Drug tests are done before hiring and later at random. In addition, they are done when there is reasonable suspicion and after an accident. Tests may also be required during or after substance abuse rehabilitation.
Have you applied for a job or worked here? Share your experiences!
Can you share any other helpful information? For example, do you have firsthand experience on how to get hired at Casey’s General Store with a record?
Any information you have can really help our readers!