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Does AT&T Hire Felons in 2021?

By Last update January 17, 2019
jobs for felons, company profile, AT&T, communication technology

Do you love technology and learning new high-level skills? We hope so, because we’re going to answer the question: Does AT&T hire felons?

AT&T is the largest telecommunications company in the world and offers good pay and benefits. That’s why we’re going to talk about how to get a job at AT&T with a felony today.

This could be a great place to start a long-lasting career, especially if you have a certain skill set. We want to cover some important questions that may already be forming in your mind:

  • Does AT&T hire people with misdemeanors?
  • What if I don’t have a resume?
  • Does AT&T do background checks?
  • Do they even have entry-level positions?
  • Does AT&T drug test employees?

We asked At&T directly about their hiring practices and did our own research so we could give you the answers you’re looking for. This article is going to dive into what we found out. We’re also going to let you know what other people said about working there. At Relaunch Pad, we take this mission seriously and also strive to hire former felons.

Okay, let’s find out how to get a job at AT&T with a felony.

Does AT&T hire felons?

jobs for felons, company profile, AT&T, communication technology

Official company policy for hiring felons

Despite our best efforts, we could not get ahold of anyone from AT&T directly, so we want to bring you what they say on their careers page:

“AT&T fully considers all qualified applicants including those with a criminal history.”

Don’t worry, though. We’ll keep trying!

Have they hired felons in the past?

AT&T did not confirm whether or not they have hired felons in the past. In our research, we have seen that they have indeed hired felons before.

Does AT&T hire people with misdemeanors?

Our research shows that AT&T has hired those with misdemeanors in the past.

Is AT&T on the Ban the Box list?

We love the Ban the Box campaign and the Fair Chance Business Pledge, two programs that work to end the discrimination people with criminal records face when looking for employment. Ban the Box has convinced employers across the country, from private businesses to government agencies, to leave criminal history questions off of their applications.

The Pledge goes even further and encourages businesses to actively work towards giving those with a record more opportunities within their companies.

We know that AT&T does not ask about your criminal history on their application.

Does AT&T have any special programs for hiring felons?

AT&T does not have any special programs for hiring felons Check out some local job placement centers have, though. They have programs specifically designed to help former felons and work with companies looking to hire qualified employees.

Also remember to check with your local unemployment office, as they’re valuable resources.

They even provide financial assistance for things like clothing and tools.

What are the odds someone with a felony will get hired?

Average likelihood of being hired with a felony

We think there are average odds of getting hired at AT&T with a felony.

We don’t come to this conclusion lightly, but after researching, we can tell that the hiring process is intense. AT&T outsources their background check and employment verification process to third parties who are very thorough.

This doesn’t mean that you have no chance, however. We’ve heard stories of people getting hired with a record. If you meet the qualifications of a particular job posting, you will be considered.

What are some entry-level jobs?

AT&T has job opportunities all over the country. Because of the nature of their work, they have entry-level jobs in many fields.

Here are a few examples of their entry-level work:

  • Customer service representative (call center)
  • Installation technician
  • Retail store salesperson

If you think that those don’t sound like entry-level jobs, don’t worry. AT&T offers extensive training for those without much experience. While they say they prefer three years of experience for an installation technician, they make a point to say that it’s not necessary.

How to get hired at AT&T with a felony

Let’s talk for a minute about your resume. How does yours look?

If it doesn’t look so good, or if you don’t have one at all, that’s okay! We want to help you. We’ve created a guide that will walk you through the steps to creating a fantastic resume, despite what you have been through.

You may not realize it, but your experiences before and after prison go a long way towards creating who you are now. It’s time to think outside of the box.

What jobs did you hold in prison? Were you a dorm keeper, a librarian or a clerk? Or maybe you were a kitchen worker, a landscaper or part of the maintenance crew.

Did you take classes while you were locked up?

All of those jobs and classes have given you knowledge and skills that you can bring to real-world jobs.

When you find a job that matches your skills at AT&T, fill out the online application. If you match what the company is looking for, you’ll be invited for an in-person interview. This is your chance to make a great first impression.

Go get a nice set of interview clothes. Make sure your hair is done nicely and that you brush your teeth. Since we don’t want them to get the wrong impression, cover up as many visible tattoos as possible. Look, we know that tattoos aren’t bad, but we want to be sure their first thought of you isn’t that you just got released from prison. . . even if that is the case.

Be confident if you’ve made it to an interview because at that point you’ve got their attention. Be ready to answer their questions confidently.

Here is some advice we want to give you about AT&T — be upfront about your criminal record.

They are going to find out, so it’s best to be honest with the person interviewing. Give stellar responses to their questions and leave them wanting to hire you despite your past.

Does AT&T do background checks?

AT&T does perform background checks.

Here’s what you need to know about background checks:

Background check requirements are not the same from state to state. There are some places where the background check only goes back seven years. Here are those states:

  • California
  • Colorado*
  • Kansas*
  • Maryland*
  • Massachusetts
  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire*
  • New York*
  • Texas*
  • Washington*

*sometimes certain pay or salary bracket positions require one.

There are a few states where the background checks show only charges you’ve been found guilty of. They leave off your not guilty charges. Here is a list of those states:

  • Alaska
  • California
  • Hawaii
  • Indiana
  • Kentucky
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • New York

There are still plenty of states that show all of your criminal records. This includes your convictions as well as the charges you were found not guilty of. Those states are:

  • Alabama
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Connecticut
  • DC
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Idaho
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Nebraska
  • New Jersey
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina

Company ratings

AT&T has thousands of reviews from current and former employees on the website They currently have a 3.4 rating out of a possible 5, and 58% of people would recommend working there to a friend.

When discussing what they liked about AT&T, people focused on the good pay and benefits. They also said there was opportunity for growth. One thing we like to see was that they offer educational benefits, which many people said they used.

The main criticisms revolved around the work-life balance, which many said was not good. There were also criticisms that had to do with unrealistic sales expectations. To be fair, this would only relate to retail jobs.

What felony convictions might have a hard time getting hired here?

We know you still may be wondering, does AT&T hire felons? While we’ve given our assessment on that, we also want to talk about certain criminal convictions.

All companies, especially one as public as AT&T, are going to be focused on their image. Because of this, some criminal convictions may be problematic.

Sex crimes will make it tricky to get hired in certain roles here. We also doubt those with fraud or computer crime charges will find employment due to the fact that AT&T employees deal with customers’ private information on a daily basis. Those with assault or robbery charges will find it difficult to get a job as an installation technician since this involves entering people’s homes.

If you have a coniction related to the job, it’s going to be a barrier. If AT&T isn’t the communications company for you, try Univision Communications.

Does AT&T drug test?

In our research, we found that AT&T does perform drugs tests as part of their hiring process.

Have you applied for a job or worked here before? Share your experiences!

We hope you now know how to get hired at AT&T with a felony. Have you ever worked for AT&T? If you have, our readers would love to hear about your experiences about the hiring process and the work culture. Any information you can give our readers in the comment section below would be great.

Allen Watson
Reentry Educator

Allen has a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and a Master's Degree in Teaching from Coastal Carolina University. He has worked in education, EMS, and law enforcement. Allen has worked extensively with people who are re-establishing their lives after leaving prison.