Visa is one of the biggest credit card companies on the planet. Needless to say, they have plenty of jobs available . . . but does Visa hire felons? Because that matters when you’ve got a criminal record in tow.
We went directly to the source and asked Visa straightforward questions about their hiring policies for former felons. We also researched the company to find out more about working there. This is something we’ve done with every one of the more than 1,000 companies we’ve profiled across the US. We know our stuff!
If you are a former felon looking for work, you are well aware of all the obstacles that can stand between you and your next job opportunity. At Relaunch Pad, we understand your struggles from having worked with job-seekers for years.
We work with people looking for work after they’ve had a felony conviction and have learned how to improve our odds of getting the job. We also hire former felons to ensure that our articles are as accurate and helpful as possible. It’s important to us that you succeed!
Additionally, we answer other key questions that may be on the mind of the former felons trying to find work:
- Does Visa do background checks?
- Will they test for drugs?
- Does Visa hire people with misdemeanors?
To find the answers to these questions and more, read on!