The Onin Group Hiring Overview For 2023

Founded 1993

Type Private

Headquarters Birmingham, AL

Size Large Corporation

Industry Staffing

Employment agencies are great places to find all sorts of jobs, and The Onin Group is a staffing agency that provides temporary workers for many different companies and industries. For the justice involved, the most important thing to know is does The Onin Group hire felons?

We’re going to cover a number of different aspects related to getting a job with The Onin Group if you have a criminal record. As a staffing company, they always have a good list of current openings. However, if you want to check out some other places that are hiring, then look on our website for companies that are likely to hire former felons!

We spend a lot of time researching the job markets and have directly contacted over 1,000 US companies to get information about their hiring policies for former felons, including The Onin Group. We have a strong understanding of the job market here at home! We’ll give you great tips to get your resume to the top of the list, as well.

Life can be hard for former felons, and this is especially true when it comes to finding a good job. We’ll give you some solid info about getting a  job at The Onin Group with a felony, staring with answers to questions like:

  • Does The Onin Group hire felons?
  • Are they on the Ban the Box List?
  • Does The Onin Group do background checks?
  • Tips to get hired here with a felony?

The team at Relaunch Pad is a great source because we know your challenges from firsthand experience. Many of us have records and sympathize with what you are going through. We’re here to help you and to improve your chances of getting a good job by sharing our own lived experiences and hard-earned tips.

The Relaunch Pad’s objective is to aid people with felony records to find job opportunities and to help them get their lives back on track.

Now we’ll get to the main event and cover the questions about getting hired at The Onin Group with a felony on your record.

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Does The Onin Group hire felons?

Confirmed felon employer

Large logo for The Onin Group

Official company policy for hiring felons

We asked them what their policy was for hiring felons.

Here is what they told us:

“We hire everyone. It depends on the type of job and the offense that the clients that we work with are willing to accept. The people we do business have certain rules and guidelines we have to follow in order to maintain business with them.”

For your purposes, that response is very promising. They are willing to hire felons, but their hiring policy does depend on the guidelines of their clients.

Have they hired felons in the past?

Yes! We also asked them this directly, and they replied that they have indeed hired felons in the past.

Does The Onin Group hire people with misdemeanors?

Based on what The Onin Group has told us, they seem very comfortable with hiring people with records. While they did not answer the question does directly, the outlook is promising.

If they are willing to hire people with felonies, you can safely guess that they will also hire people with misdemeanors.

Will The Onin Group hire you with pending charges?

The chances are good. The Onin Group specifically told us that they hire “everyone.”  However, since they are an intermediary for other companies, getting hired will depend on the requirements of the client they are hiring for.

Current Job Openings At The Onin Group

Duluth, GA

617 days ago

The ?nin Group is a privately held, national, staffing group comprised of ?nin Staffing, Focus IT, Excelsior Staffing, A3 Solutions, and Momentum Capital Funding. We are among the top two percent of domestic staffing companies in sales volume and…

Duluth, GA

617 days ago

The ?nin Group is a privately held, national, staffing group comprised of ?nin Staffing, Focus IT, Excelsior Staffing, A3 Solutions, and Momentum Capital Funding. We are among the top two percent of domestic staffing companies in sales volume and…

Duluth, GA

617 days ago

The ?nin Group is a privately held, national, staffing group comprised of ?nin Staffing, Focus IT, Excelsior Staffing, A3 Solutions, and Momentum Capital Funding. We are among the top two percent of domestic staffing companies in sales volume and…


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What are the chances of The Onin Group hiring a felon?

Is The Onin Group on the Ban the Box List?

If you don’t know, the Ban the Box list is an Obama era effort to help people with records get jobs. The idea is to remove the box from applications that asks if you have a felony. The Ban the Box initiative ensures that you get a fair chance at employment even if you have a criminal record.

There is also the  Fair Chance Business Pledge.  This pledge is a lot like the Ban the Box list. The difference is that companies sign this pledge of their own free will to prove they are committed to treating former felons the same way they treat anyone else.

The Onin Group has not signed this pledge. However, since they have said that they hired former felons in the past, it is clear that they are open to giving you a chance.

Does The Onin Group have a special program for hiring felons?

Unfortunately, this is also a no. While there are ways to get a job at The Onin group with a felony, special programs are not one of them.

What are the odds someone with a felony will get hired?

High likelihood of hiring felons

Does The Onin Group hire felons? Yep, looks like it.While applying for a job with a criminal record is often a challenge, your chances here seem pretty good.

The fact that The Onin Group admits they have hired felons in the past is promising. Lots of companies won’t say either way. The fact that they are comfortable saying that they hire people with records says plenty about your chances.

In other words, it looks like your chances of getting hired at The Onin Group with a felony are high.

A company policy that was made around hiring former felons would be nice. However, even without one, it looks like your chances are pretty similar to those of people who don’t have a record.

How to get hired at The Onin Group with a felony

What are some entry-level jobs?

The Onin Group is a staffing company. This basically means that they hire you, and then lend you out to other companies for temporary employment.

In other words, the range of entry level jobs is pretty enormous. They specialize in light industrial, clerical, skilled trades, internet technology and engineering positions. However, the actual positions that they have available will depend on the needs of their clients.

For your reference, here is a link to their page where their opportunities are laid out a little bit more clearly.

Tips to get hired here with a felony

So, how to get hired at The Onin Group with a felony? The answer is simple, but not easy. You have to create a strong application and ace your interview.

Writing a good resume is a skill that everyone could use some work on. The good news is that there are resources available. There are writing and career centers all across the country that can help you get ready for your application and eventual interview.

Reflect on your past work experience, and think about ways you can naturally tell them about skills you gained from these experiences.

If you held a job in prison, mention those experiences. Since they may know about your record anyway, it can help to explain the positive aspects of your experience.

Remember, The Onin Group is a staffing agency. This means that they are looking to hire people who will keep not just them, but their clients, happy.

It’s time to put your best foot forward. Wear your most professional clothes, and be prepared for the conversation that you will have at the interview.

As a staffing agency, we can’t say what positions they will need to fill. With that in mind, be prepared to display a variety general skills. Prepare to show them that you are a people person by practicing for the interview, perhaps with a friend or a family member.

Make sure you’re using the appropriate language, as well. While it’s normal to pick up some prison slang, your employer really doesn’t need to hear it.

Your goal should be to make sure they see you as nothing but a qualified professional.

Does The Onin Group do background checks?

From what we could find, it looks like they do. Their application itself focuses mostly on your skills. However, according to their website they do “screen” you before hiring.

This screening could mean anything. It will probably at least involve calling references.

However, at some point during their screening, they might also come across your record.

It’s hard to say exactly what they will look for on the background check. This is because they are trying to satisfy their client’s requirements.

Here is some information you should understand about background checks in general:

For one thing, there are quite a few states that won’t check back farther than seven years. Here are those states:

  • California
  • Colorado*
  • Kansas*
  • Maryland*
  • Massachusetts
  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire*
  • New York*
  • Texas*
  • Washington*

Perhaps even better, there are some states that don’t consider cases in which you were found not guilty. Here are those states:

  • Alaska
  • California
  • Hawaii
  • Indiana
  • Kentucky
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • New York

Unfortunately, it isn’t all good news. There are also some states that look at your entire record, even if you weren’t found guilty.

  • Alabama
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Connecticut
  • DC
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Idaho
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Nebraska
  • New Jersey
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

Company ratings

The Onin Group actually has really strong ratings on They have a rating of 3.8 out of 5 potential stars. They lost the most points in the compensation category — there they received a rating of 3.3.

Of course, that is the department where everyone wants a great rating. Keep in mind that when you are fresh out of prison, the top priority is finding a job. Once you get settled in with a stable check, it will become easier to start looking for better compensation.

Nearly 74% of employees would recommend the company to a friend, which says a lot.

What felonies The Onin Group will not hire

Not sure. The Onin Group did not specifically state that they would not hire people with certain offenses. They do hire people with criminal records, but it depends on the job and the client they are hiring for as far as what charges would bar you from being hired.

What felony convictions might have a hard time getting hired here?

Unfortunately, it is hard to say what felony convictions will have a hard time getting hired at The Onin Group. This is again because they have to cater to the needs of their clients.

They do staffing in engineering, clerical and technological work. With these fields, there are no obvious felonies that would give them concern.

Does The Onin Group hire sex offenders?

Unknown. The Onin Group did not provide any information about hiring sex offenders, and we didn’t see anything online that was a firm response.

Does The Onin Group drug test?

The Onin Group does test for drugs. This screening is done during the hiring process — after you fill out your application, but before you actually start working.

Have you applied for a job or worked here? Share your experience?

If you have applied for a job or worked at The Onin Group, you know better than anyone! We want to hear from you. Help the community by sharing your experience.

Other companies that hire felons