Adam Sanders

Founder & Reentry Advisor

Adam Sanders has worked as a reentry advisor, program leader, and teacher at San Quentin State prison in San Quentin California for several years. He co-founded San Quentin's financial literacy program and is passionate about helping former offenders successfully re-enter society and find personal and financial success. Adam also has nearly a decade of experience working in Marketing and Finance for large software companies and an MBA from Northwestern University.

Spending your time in prison wisely

Spending Prison Time Wisely or Those Inside

Spending prison time wisely is vital to your success. While you are in prison, you have one major luxury that most on the outside do not have: FREE TIME. Once your prison time is over and you are released, all of the hours you filled watching TV, playing in the yard, sitting around talking with […]
By Adam Sanders Last update June 17, 2015

Strategy for Finding Good Jobs for Felons

Finding good jobs for felons requires a good strategy. Like any other difficult task, spending a little time at the beginning to plan your actions will give you a much higher chance of success. The fact that you are reading this right now shows that you want to improve your position in life and want […]
By Adam Sanders Last update December 30, 2014