Women’s Resource Center mission – The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) is operated by the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department and provides women who have a history of criminal justice involvement with the services necessary to achieve and maintain safe and healthy lifestyles. Restorative Justice principles are woven into all of the center’s practices. The approach is guided by the belief that crime hurts everyone; victim, offender, families and communities, and creates an obligation to make things right. The WRC is primarily a day treatment center for women released from the San Francisco County Jail. WRC provides referrals for housing, substance abuse programs, employment, medical and mental health programs, and legal issues. Five Keys Charter School provides educational opportunities, as well as intensive case management services. WRC also provides a free clothing closet, computer lab, numerous personal development classes.
Women’s Resource Center
Services offered: Addiction and Recovery Clothing and Household Employment Housing Legal Mental Health
Restrictions: Assists women only
Address 930 Bryant St, San Francisco, CA 94103
Community area Served San Francisco, California
Phone Number (415) 734-3150
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