Voices for a Second Chance mission – VSC is part of a comprehensive reentry program that provides culturally appropriate, trauma informed, gender/population specific, and peer-based services. We utilize interventions to create connections between reentry providers and the justice involved individual. VSC promotes participation and empowerment of men, women, their families and members of their support network in developing care plans based on their self-identified needs. We accept and provide referrals for primary medical care, support, mental health and substance abuse services. We focus on justice-involved individuals affected by generational trauma, incarceration, chronic illness, not in a system of care and/or in need of support. Our goal is for our clients to achieve a state of well-being or and care as they transition from incarceration to community.
More information on services provided:
- Addiction and Recovery
- Counseling and referrals
- Employment
- Job training
- Placement referrals
- Family – children’s support groups as well as back-to-school and holiday programs
- Corrlinks contact: info@vscdc.org (talk to friends and family, even while incarcerated)
- Housing referrals
- Medical
- First Responder – includes weekly support visits while incarcerated, property retrieval, third party local, national and international phone calls, and greeting cards for family members
- Primary medical referrals
- On-site incentive HIV testing and referrals
- On-site Hep C testing and referrals
- Mental Health
- Mental health counseling and referrals
- Reentry – includes birth certificates, identification, case management and support services, educational and support groups
Who they help – Currently incarcerated and released individuals from the DC Department of Corrections CTF/CDF jails and those justice-involved individuals released from the Federal Bureau of Prisons.