The Homeboy Hotline mission – Homeboy Hotline is a non-profit, designed to increase employment opportunities and offer job resources to ex-offenders and the most vulnerable in our communities. We offer a central location to receive employment, educational resources, lifeskills classes, support and basic job training courses and employment references upon meeting the conditions of the program criteria. The function of our program is to provide a comprehensive resource database that is specific to employers and other community agencies who will hire persons with a criminal records and provide supportive resources. HBH helps you communicate with potential employers, affiliated employment agencies and community service partners.
Who they help – We reach out to and serve individuals who have been released from correctional institutions, persons who have active parole files and those who are active participants in a drug rehabilitation program. HBH is a community based organization (CBO) that is focused on building relationships between other CBO’s, local employers and HBH participants.