Substance Abuse Center of Kansas (SACK)

Services offered: Addiction and Recovery Education Employment Mental Health

Substance Abuse Center of Kansas (SACK) logo

Address 940 N Waco, Wichita, KS 67203

Community area Served Wichita, Kansas

Phone Number (316) 267-3825 or toll free (877) 577-7477

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SACK mission In existence since 1995, the Substance Abuse Center of Kansas is a non-profit organization specializing in the prevention of substance abuse and the treatment of individuals and communities affected by substance abuse. SACK serves as a community resource provider to improve and support recovery alternatives through offering an impartial assessment and referral service. SACK is committed to assisting consumers through a continuum of care including crisis intervention, individual and family counseling, and case management services. SACK specializes as a consumer advocate, supporting all methods of recovery. We are committed to the development of quality partnerships with provider networks and other stakeholders for the benefit of consumers and referral agencies across our region and the state of Kansas.