MPRI-Breaking the Cycle (BTC) mission – MPRI-Breaking the Cycle (BTC) is a cognitive re-structuring program designed specifically for the men and women transitioning back into their communities after incarceration. Studies clearly show that cognitive behavioral models are a critical factor in the reduction of recidivism. The cognitive behavior theory (CBT) is based on the assumption that most emotional and behavioral reactions are learned. Therefore the goal of programming is to help clients unlearn their unwanted reactions, to re-learn a new way of acting and to break the cycle of unwanted consequences. One of the primary goals of the MPRI-BTC program is to help the offender take responsibility for his or her actions and raise the level of moral reasoning from doing what feels good, what is demanded by one’s peers or what has been learned to what is right, legally or morally. This is done through a series of systematic learning and application modules.
Michigan Prisoner Reentry Initiative (MPRI)
Services offered: Addiction and Recovery Education Family Legal
Address 110 Pearl Street, Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Community area Served Michigan
Phone Number (734) 485-6161
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